Sing Me Home!
Stephen Paterson (AUS)
Sing Me Home - Tim McGraw
SIDE, BEHIND AND WALK WALK1-2&3-4Step left to the side, cross right behind left, step left to the side (&), walk forward right, leftROCK, RECOVER AND LOCK BACK5-6&7-8Rock right forward, recover back onto left in place, step right back (&), lock left over right, step back onto rightHALF, STEP HALF PIVOT, QUARTER SIDE9-10-11-12Turning half left step forward onto left, step forward onto right, pivot half left taking weight onto left, pivot quarter left before stepping right foot out to sideBEHIND AND CROSS, ROCK, RECOVER13&14Step left behind right, step right to side (&), step left across in front of right15-16Rock right out to side, recover onto left in placeCROSS HOLD, AND CROSS TOUCH17-18Step right across in front of left, hold&19-20Step left to side (&), cross right over left, touch left to sideSTEP HALF PIVOT, SHUFFLE FORWARD21-22Step forward left, pivot half right taking weight onto right23&24Shuffle forward left, right, leftCROSS HOLD, AND CROSS TOUCH25-26Step right across in front of left, hold&27-28Step left to side (&), cross right over left, touch left to sideSTEP HALF PIVOT, WALK, WALK29-30Step forward left, pivot half right taking weight onto right31-32Walk forward left, rightSIDE, SAILOR STEP, BEHIND33-34&35-36Step left to the side, cross right behind left, rock left out to side (&), recover weight onto right in place (sailor step), cross left behind rightQUARTER, KICK BALL CHANGE, FORWARD37-38&39-40Turning quarter right step forward onto right, kick left forward, step ball of left next to right(&), step right in place, step forward onto leftROCK, RECOVER, HALF SHUFFLE41-42-43&44Step forward onto right, recover back onto left in place, turning half right shuffle right, left, rightSTEP HALF, STEP HALF45-46-47-48Step forward left, pivot half right taking weight onto right, step forward left, pivot half right talking weight onto rightSIDE, HOLD AND SIDE ROCK49-50&51-52Step left to side, hold, step right beside left(&), step left to side, rock right across in front of leftRECOVER QUARTER SHUFFLE FORWARD53-54&55-56Recover weight onto left foot, turning quarter right shuffle forward right, left, right, step forward leftPIVOT, CROSS SAMBA, FORWARD57-58&59-60Pivot half right taking weight onto right foot in place, cross left over right, step right to side (&), recover onto left in place (cross samba), step forward rightROCK RECOVER BACK QUARTER SIDE61-62-63-64Rock left forward, recover back onto right in place, step back left, turning quarter right step right out to sideREPEATRESTART After count 48 on walls 2, 4 and 6. Each time, you will restart to the front wall.