Sinatra Swing
Improver straight rhythm
Sho Botham (UK)
I've Got You Under My Skin - Michael Bolton
WALKS RIGHT, LEFT AND PRESSURE SWAYS1-4Two walks right left towards right corner5-6-7Three pressure sways right-left-right towards right corner (rocking diagonally forward onto right, rock diagonally back onto left and repeat rock forward onto right)8Hold - but let the natural movement of the last sway continue to maintain the flow of the dance To dance pressure sways, stand with feet apart (in this dance right forward to right corner, left back to left back corner) sway weight from foot to foot maintaining some pressure/weight on both feet throughoutSTEP LEFT ½ TURN PIVOT RIGHT, STEP LEFT ACROSS, SIDE STEPS INTO LUNGE ON RIGHT9-12Step left forward to right corner, ½ turn pivot (amount of turn actually 3/8), step left across front to right, hold13-16Step right to right side, close left to right, step right to right in lunge, holdCROSS STEP STEP COMBINATION WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT, 2 WALKS FORWARD LEFT, RIGHT17Step left across front of right18Step right to right19Step in place left20Step right across front of left21Step left to left making ¼ turn to right22Step in place right23-24Two walks forward left, rightROCK LEFT ACROSS RIGHT, TOUCH RIGHT BEHIND, STEP IN PLACE RIGHT WITH ¼ TURN LEFT, STEP FORWARD LEFT, ROCK FORWARD RIGHT, COASTER LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT25-26Rock left across front of right, touch right crossed behind left27-28Step right in place with ¼ turn left, step forward left with ¼ turn left29Rock forward onto right30-31-32Coaster - stepping back left, back right closing feet together, step forward leftREPEAT Styling: think Fred and Ginger and American Smooth. Let the body and arms flow with the steps and use a lunge action to create long leg lines in cross step step combination in Section 3