Simply Cha Cha
Beginner - cha cha
Barry Durand (USA)
When the Sun Goes Down - Kenny Chesney & Uncle Kracker
SIDE STEP, FORWARD BACK BASIC1-2-3Step side right, rock forward left, recover right4&5Triple step left, right, left moving backward6-7Rock back right, recover forward left8&1Triple step right, left, right moving forwardCHASE TURN2-3Forward step left, ½ stationary pivot to right step on right4&5Forward triple step left-right-left6-7Forward step right, ½ stationary pivot to left step on left8&1Forward triple step right-left-rightPOINT & CROSSES, ¼ TURN AND BACK LOCK STEP2-3Point left to side, cross left in front and step4-5Point right to side, cross right in front and step6-7Point left to side, ¼ turn to left while crossing left in front of right and stepping on left8&1Back lock triple by stepping back with right, still moving back step on left slightly crossed over right, step back rightHIP BUMPS AND CHA-CHA-CHA2-3Hip bump left, hip bump right4&5Side triple left-right-left6-7Hip bump right, hip bump left8&1Side triple right-left-right The dance starts over on that 1 at the end of the side triple making it the first step of the dance.REPEAT