Sic 'em Boy
Letha Blackford (USA) & Kimi Long
The More I'm Around Some People, The More I Like My Dog - Sonny Burgess
WALK, WALK, POINT, HOLD, STEP POINT, HOLD, HITCH, POINT1-2Step forward on left, step forward on right3-4Point left foot to left, hold&5-6Quick step left next to right, point right foot to right, hold7-8Hitch right knee in front of left knee, point right foot to rightSTEP, POINT, HOLD, HITCH, POINT, RIGHT WEAVE&1-2Quick step right next to left, point left foot to left, hold3-4Hitch left knee in front of right knee, point left foot to left5-6Step left foot behind right, step right foot to the right7-8Step left foot across right, touch right foot to the rightRIGHT KNEE DROP, LEFT KNEE DROP, HIP BUMPS1-2Drop right knee to center, roll right knee back out3-4Drop left knee to center, roll left knee back out5-8Hip bumps (weight on left)RIGHT SHUFFLE, KICK, STEP, POINT, STEP, POINT, STEP, POINT1&2Step right foot forward, step left together with right, step right foot forward3&4Kick left foot forward, step down on left, point right foot to right5-6Step right foot across left, point left foot to left7-8Step left foot across right, point right foot to rightTOE STRUTS WITH ½ TURN, RIGHT SIDE SHUFFLE, LEFT ROCK STEP1-2Touch right toe forward, ½ turn left dropping right heel3-4Touch left toe forward, drop left heel5&6Step right foot to right, step left together with right, step right foot to right7-8Rock left foot behind right, recover on rightLEFT SHUFFLE, RIGHT SHUFFLE, LEFT GRAPEVINE WITH ½ TURN1&2Step left foot forward, step right together with left, step left foot forward3&4Step right foot forward, step left together with right, step right foot forward5-6Step left foot to left, step right foot behind left7-8Step left foot to left making ½ turn left, touch right next to leftRIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE, TOUCH, ¼ TURN RIGHT, MODIFIED ¼ RIGHT MONTEREY TURN1&2Kick right foot forward, step right foot next to left, step left foot next to right3-4Touch right toe behind left, ¼ turn to right (weight on left)5-6Point right foot to right, ¼ turn right backwards stepping right next to left7-8Point left foot to left, touch left foot next to rightLEFT STROLL, BRUSH, RIGHT STROLL, BRUSH1-2Step left foot forward diagonally, step right foot behind left3-4Step left foot forward diagonally, brush right foot forward5-6Step right foot forward diagonally, step left foot behind right7-8Step right foot forward diagonally, brush left foot forwardREPEATTAG At the end of walls 1 & 3 OUT, OUT, HOLD, IN, IN, HOLD&1-2Step left foot to left, step right foot to right, hold&3-4Step left foot in, step right foot next to left, holdTAG At the end of wall 2 JAZZ BOX, ½ PIVOT TURN RIGHT, STAMP, STAMP1-2Step left foot across right, step right foot back3-4Step left foot to left, step right foot forward5-6Step forward on left, ½ pivot turn right7-8Stamp left foot, stamp left foot 1-2Step left foot across right, step right foot back3-4Step left foot to left, step right foot forward5-6Step forward on left, ½ pivot turn right7-8Stamp left foot, stamp left foot