Hedy McAdams (USA)
Shipwrecked - The Island Cowboys
SIDE, ROCK, RECOVER, SIDE, &/TURN, PIVOT, PIVOT, STEP/&1Step right to right2Rock-step left in front of right3Rock-recover to right4Step left to left&Step right beside left5Turn ¼ left (9:00) on left Counts 6 and 7 are a continuous, smooth-flowing movement6Step forward on ball of right and pivot ¼ left (6:00)7(continuing pivot on ball of right) step left ¼ left (3:00)8Step right forward&Step left beside rightSTEP, ROCK, RECOVER, BACK, &/BACK, SLIDE, SLIDE, SIDE/SIDE/&9Step right forward10Rock-step left forward11Rock-recover on right12Step left back&Step right back For the slide-steps in counts 13-15, slide ball of unweighted foot back, slightly past weighted foot, then put weight on heel.13Slide-step left back and pop right knee forward14Slide-step right back and pop left knee forward15Slide-step left, back and pop right knee forward&Step to right on ball of right (slightly back)16Step to left on ball of left (parallel with right)&Rock-step back on ball of right footSTEP, TURN, &/TURN, TURN, &/TURN, TURN, &/TURN, PIVOT/&17Step left forward (left toe out, beginning ¼ turn left)18Step right forward and finish turning ¼ left (12:00)&Step left beside right19Turn ¼ right (3:00) and step right forward20Step left forward and turn ¼ right (6:00)&Step right beside left21Step left forward and turn ¼ left (3:00)22Step right forward and turn ¼ left (12:00)&Step left beside right23Turn ¼ right (3:00) and step right forward Counts 24 and & are a continuous, smooth-flowing motion24Step forward on ball of left and pivot ¼ right (6:00)&(Continuing pivot on ball of left) turn ¼ right (9:00) and step right forwardTURN/STEP, TURN, BEHIND, SIDE, &/CROSS, TURN, STEP, TURN/&25Step left forward and turn ¼ right (12:00)26Step right behind left&Step left to left27Cross right over left28Step left to left&Step right to right (slightly back)29Cross left over right Styling note: On count 30, angle body toward right (toward 3:00 wall) and pop right elbow to right as you begin to execute this turn)30Rock-step right to right and turn ¼ left (9:00)31Step left forward32Step right forward and turn ¼ left (6:00)&Step left beside rightREPEAT