Cathryn Proudfoot (AUS)
Shine - Vanessa Amorosi
1Big step / slide forward to 45 degrees on right swaying hips as you step forward2Big step / slide forward to 45 degrees on left swaying hips as you step forward3&4Shuffle forward right, left, right5-6Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn to right transferring weight forward to right7&8Full turn forward to right with triple step left, right, left moving slightly forward 1-2Rock right to side, replace weight on left3&4Step right behind left, step left to side, turn ¼ turn to left stepping right forward5Rock left to side6&7Replace weight on right, step left together with right, rock right to side8Replace weight on left &1-2Step right together with left, turn ¼ turn to left stepping left forward, turn ½ turn to left stepping right back3&4Turn 540 degrees (1 ½ turns) to left stepping triple step left, right, left moving forward5-6Rock right to side, replace weight on left7&8Step right behind left, step left to side, turn ¼ turn to left stepping right forward 1Rock left to side2&3Replace weight on right, step left together with right, rock right to side4Replace weight on left&5-6Step right together with left, turn ¼ turn to left stepping forward on left, turn ½ turn to left stepping right back7&8Turn 540 degrees (1 ½ turns) to left stepping triple step left, right, left moving forwardREPEAT
On the 4th wall, dance the first 16 counts of the dance as written (you'll be facing the back at the start of the 4th wall ). On the & count turn ¼ turn to the left with the weight on your left and restart the dance once again facing the back.
To finish the dance once again you'll be facing the back wall. Dance the first 16 counts of the dance as written and do a slow turn to the left (¾ turn ) sweeping your right toe around to the front.