Run With It
Jim Scism (USA) & Norma Scism (USA)
I Feel Lucky - Mary Chapin Carpenter
SWING1-2Swing right toe out to right, return next to left3-4Swing right toe out to right, return next to leftTOUCHES5Tap right heel in front6Touch right foot next to left7Touch right toe out to right side8Kick right foot behind left and touch with left handGRAPEVINE RIGHT9-11Vine right (step right to right; step left behind; step right to right)12Stomp left foot beside rightTOE/HEEL TOUCHES13Tap left heel in front14Touch left foot next to right15Touch left toe out to left side16Kick left foot behind right and touch with right handGRAPEVINE LEFT17-19Vine left (step left to left; step right behind; step left to left)20Stomp right foot next to leftSWIVELS21-24Swivel heels right, center, left, centerHOOK & SHUFFLE25Tap right heel in front26Hook right foot across left knee27&28Shuffle forward right, left, right 29Tap left heel in front30Hook left foot across right knee31&32Shuffle forward left, right, leftTURN/KICK33Step forward on right foot turning ¼ turn to left34Step forward on left foot35- 36Kick right foot forward twiceWALK BACK37-39Walk back right, left, right40Hitch left legROCK/TURN41Step forward on left foot42Rock back onto right foot43Rock forward onto left foot44Hitch right foot and turn ¼ turn to the leftWALK45-47Walk forward right, left, right48Stomp left next to rightREPEAT