Romeo's Return
Kelly Cavallaro (USA)
WALK, WALK, CROSS RECOVER, CROSS, FULL TURN, STEP, SLIDE1Walk forward on left foot2Walk forward on right foot3&4Cross recover step (left, right, left)5Cross right foot over left foot6Full turn to your left7Step back on right foot8Slide left foot back to the right foot (weight changes to left foot)KNEE KNOCK, KNEE KNOCK, STEP, SLIDE, BODY ROLL1&2Right knee knocks (switching weight to the right foot)3&4Left knee knocks (switching weight to the left foot)5Step with right foot to the right6Slide left foot to the right foot doing a ¼ turn to the left7-8Body roll (weight remains on the left foot)MONTEREY TURN, CROSS STEP, CROSS STEP, CROSS STEP, ½ TURN1-4Right foot to right side doing a ½ turn, touch left foot to left side, touch left foot next to right (weight remains on left foot)5Cross right foot over left6Cross left foot over right7Cross right foot over left8½ turn to the leftWALK, HITCH, ¾ TURN, LOCK STEP, LOCK STEP1Step forward on left foot2Hitch right toe behind left foot3-4¾ turn to the right (weight ends up on the right foot)5&6Traveling forward at a 45 degree angle, right lock step7&8Traveling forward at a 45 degree angle, left lock stepREPEAT