Rio Cha Cha (P)
RIGHT FRONT SIDE CHA-CHA - LEFT FRONT SIDE CHA-CHA1-2Point right toe to the front; point right toe to the side3&4Step in place, right, left, right (cha-cha-cha)5-6Point left toe to the front; point left toe to the side7&8Step in place, left, right, left (cha-cha-cha)STEP RIGHT ½ TURN. STEP RIGHT ¼ TURN. RIGHT JAZZ BOX1-2Dropping left hands, step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left3-4Rejoin left hands, drop right hands, step forward right foot pivot ¼ turn left Rejoin hands5-8Cross right foot over left, step back left, step right to right side, step slightly forward with left footVINE RIGHT. VINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN Dropping left hands, lady travels under man's right arm1-4MAN: Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right LADY: Step ¼ turn with right foot, step ½ turn with left foot, step ¼ turn with right foot, touch left beside right Rejoin left hands, dropping right hands, lady travels under man's left arm5-8MAN: Step left to left side, step right behind left, step ¼ turn left with left foot, scuff right foot forward LADY: Step ¼ turn left with left floor, step ½ turn with right foot, step ½ turn with left foot, scuff right foot forwardSHUFFLES FORWARD. RIGHT. LEFT. RIGHT. LEFT1&2Step right foot forward; step left next to right; step right foot forward3&4Step left foot forward; step right next to left; step left foot forward5&6Step right foot forward; step left next to right; step right foot forward7&8Step left foot forward; step right next to left; step left foot forwardREPEAT