William Sevone (UK)
She'll Remember - Dwight Yoakam
2 TOE TAPS (WITH EXPRESSION)-FORWARD COASTER STEP (12:00)1-2Leaning slightly left & raising knee - tap right toe to floor, repeat3&4Step backward onto right, step left next to right, step forward onto right5-6Leaning slightly right & raising knee - tap left to floor, repeat7&8Step backward onto left, step right next to left, step forward onto leftSTEP FORWARD-TOGETHER WITH EXPRESSION, FORWARD COASTER STEP, STEP FORWARD, ¾ RIGHT SIDE STEP ¼ RIGHT FORWARD SHUFFLE (12:00)9Leaning backward - step forward onto right10Still leaning backward - step left next to right11&12Step backward onto right, step left next to right, step forward onto right13-14Step forward onto left, turn ¾ right & step right to right side15&16Turn ¼ right & shuffle forward stepping left, right-left2X DIAGONAL FORWARD STEPS, SAILOR STEP, STEP BEHIND, UNWIND ½ LEFT, FORWARD SHUFFLE (6:00)17-18Step right diagonally forward right, step left diagonally forward left19&20Cross step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side21-22Cross step left behind right, unwind ½ left (weight on left)23&24Shuffle forward stepping right, left-right2X DIAGONAL FORWARD STEPS, SAILOR STEP, STEP BEHIND, UNWIND ¾ LEFT, ROCK-ROCK-TOGETHER (3:00)25-26Step left diagonally forward left, step right diagonally forward right27&28Cross step left behind right, step right next to left, step left to left side29-30Cross step right behind left, unwind ¾ right (weight on right)31&32Rock forward onto left, rock onto right, step left next to rightREPEATTAG There is a tag of 8 counts after the 6th and 9th walls 4X ¼ LEFT PADDLE STEPS1-2Step forward onto right foot, turn ¼ left & rock onto left foot3-4Step forward onto right foot, turn ¼ left & rock onto left foot,5-6Step forward onto right foot, turn ¼ left & rock onto left foot7-8Step forward onto right foot, turn ¼ left & rock onto left footDANCE FINISH The dance will finish with the last strains of the fade out on count 32 of the 15th wall facing 9:00, to finish the dance facing the home (12:00) wall simply add a ¼ turn right into counts 31& 32