Put On, Put On
Nancy Morgan (USA)
Dancin' Shoes - Ronnie McDowell
After he says "1,2,3", wait 16 counts, then startSIDE SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, SIDE SHUFFLE, ½ TURN SIDE SHUFFLE1&2Right side shuffle - step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side3-4Rock/step back on left and forward on right5&6Left side shuffle - step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side7&8As you turn ½ turn to your left, step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side¼ TURN JAZZ BOX, STEP FORWARD, SHUFFLE FORWARD, FORWARD ROCK1-4Cross left over right, as you turn ¼ turn to your left step back on right, step left to left side, step forward on right5&6Shuffle forward - left, right, left7-8Rock/step forward on right and back on leftSKIP BACK TWICE, BACK ROCK, KICK TWICE, COASTER STEP1Pick right foot up and place it behind left&2As you hop on right, pick left foot up and place it behind right3-4Rock/step back on right and forward on left5-6Kick right foot forward two times7&8Step back on right, back on left, forward on rightFORWARD ROCK, SHUFFLE BACK, TOUCH BACK, ½ TURN RIGHT, STEP FORWARD, TOUCH1-2Rock/step forward on left and back on right3&4Shuffle back - right, left, right5-6Touch right toe back, turn ½ turn to right (weight is on right)7-8Step forward on left, touch right next to leftREPEAT