The Prime Stomp
Wayne Barnard
Move Your Body - Eiffel 65
RIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE, RIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE, ½ A TURN LEFT, ½ A TURN LEFT, RIGHT STOMP, LEFT STOMP1&2Kick right forward, step right in place, step left in place3&4Kick right forward, step right in place, step left in place5-6Step forward on the right, turn ½ a turn left7-8Step forward on the right, turn ½ a turn left9-10Stomp left next to right, stomp right in placeSTEP TO THE SIDE AND STOMP LEFT TWICE, STEP TO SIDE AND STOMP RIGHT TWICE11-14Step left to left side, stomp right next to left, step left to left side, stomp right next to left15-18Step right to right side, stomp left next to right, step right to right side, stomp left next to rightBUMP HIPS LEFT, BUMP HIPS RIGHT AND STRUT FORWARD19-20Bump hips left, bump hips right21-30(Strutting forward) right toe, heel, left toe, heel, right toe, heel, left toe, heel¼ TURN LEFT, STOMP, STOMP LEFT, STOMP RIGHT31-32Step forward on right, ¼ turn to left33-34Stomp left next to right, stomp rightREPEAT