Precious Rose
William Sevone (UK)
Me and the Wildwood Rose - Carlene Carter
FORWARD WALK, BACKWARD COASTER, FOOT SLAPS1-4(Short 'jaunty' steps) step forward onto: right, left, right, left5&6Step forward onto right foot, step left foot next to right, step backward onto right foot7-8Hitch left knee & slap foot with left hand, hook left foot behind right leg & slap foot with right handBACKWARD WALK, FORWARD COASTER, FOOT SLAPS8-12(Short 'jaunty' steps) step backward onto: left, right, left, right13&14Step backward onto left foot, step right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot15-16Hitch right knee & slap foot with right hand, hook right foot behind left leg & slap foot with left handCHASSE RIGHT, ½ LEFT, FOOT STAMP UP, 4X ¼ LEFT WITH FOOT STAMP UPS17&18Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side19-20Turn ½ right & step left foot to left side, stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)21Turn ¼ left & stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)22Turn ¼ left & stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)23Turn ¼ left & stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)24Turn ¼ left & stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)CHASSE RIGHT, ½ LEFT, FOOT STAMP UP, 3X ¼ LEFT WITH FOOT STAMP UPS, CLAPS25&26Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side27-28Turn ½ right & step left foot to left side, stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)29Turn ¼ left & stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)30Turn ¼ left & stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)31Turn ¼ left & stamp up right foot next to left (no weight on right foot)32Clap hands twice (double time)FORWARD SYNCOPATED STEP-LOCK-STEP, ROCKS, BACKWARD SYNCOPATED STEP-LOCK-STEP, ¼ RIGHT33&34Step forward onto right foot, lock left foot behind right, step forward onto right foot35-36Rock forward onto left foot, rock backward onto right foot37&38Step backward onto left foot, lock right foot in front of left, step backward onto left foot & turn ¼ rightREPEATRESTART Dance only the first 32 counts on walls 3, 5, 6, and 8.