Preacher Man
William Sevone (UK)
Preachin' to the Choir - Rodney Crowell
2X SIDE TOE-TOGETHER-½ TURN MONTEREY (12:00)1-2Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left foot3-4Touch right toe to right side, turn ½ right & step right foot next to left5-6Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe next to right foot7-8Touch left toe to left side, turn ½ left & step left foot next to rightSIDE ROCK, ROCK, ¼ RIGHT SLOW COASTER STEP, ½ LEFT SLOW COASTER STEP (9:00)9-10Rock right foot to right side, rock onto left foot11-12Turn ¼ right & step backward onto right foot, step left foot next to right13-14Step forward onto right foot, turn ½ left & step backward onto left foot15-16Step right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot¼ RIGHT STEP BEHIND, SIDE TOUCH, 3X STEP BEHIND-SIDE TOUCH (12:00) The following 8 counts are all moving slightly backwards17-18Turn ¼ right & cross step right foot behind left, touch left toe to left side19-20Cross step left foot behind right, touch right toe to right side21-22Cross step right foot behind left, touch left toe to left side23-24Cross step left foot behind right, touch right toe to right side With slower music it is possible to apply a slight 'dipping' motion with the cross steps which not only feels good but looks good as wellSTEP BACKWARD, ½ RIGHT ROCK FORWARD, ROCK, ½ LEFT STEP FORWARD, JAZZ BOX, STEP FORWARD (12:00)25-26Step backward onto right foot, turn ½ right & rock forward onto left foot27-28Rock onto right foot, turn ½ left & step forward onto left foot29-30Cross step right foot over left, step backward onto left foot31-32Step right foot to right side, step forward onto left footSTEP FORWARD, JAZZ BOX, STEP FORWARD, TOUCH FORWARD, TOUCH BACKWARD, STEP FORWARD (12:00)33-34Step forward onto right foot, cross step left foot over right35-36Step backward onto right foot, step left foot to left side37-38Step forward onto right foot, touch left toe forward39-40Touch left toe backward, step forward onto left footCHARLESTON WITH ¼ RIGHT, CHARLESTON (3:00)41-42Step forward onto right foot, touch left toe forward43-44Step backward onto ball of left foot, turn ¼ right (dropping left heel) touch right toe backward45-46Step forward onto right foot, touch left toe forward47-48Step backward onto left foot, touch right toe backwardREPEATDANCE FINISH The dance will finish suddenly on count 20 of the 11th wall facing 6:00, to finish the dance facing the 'home' wall and with a slight flourish replace counts 17-20 with the following17-18Step forward onto right foot, pivot ¼ left19-20Step right foot next to left, point/touch left toe to left side