Play Nice
Helena Jeppsson (SWE)
Don't Play Nice - Verbalicious
SIDE, JUMP, SAILOR STEP, KNEE, ROGER RABBIT1-2Big step right to side, hop left together3&4Cross right behind left, rock left to side, recover onto right5&6Bend right knee in, straighten right knee, turn 1/8 right and step left together (1:30)&7Hitch right knee, touch right toe back and hop left back&8Hitch right knee, step right together (1:30)COASTER STEP, 1 ½ TURN RIGHT, KICK, CROSS, ROCK STEP TWICE1&2Coaster step left, right, left3-4Turn 3/8 right and step right forward, turn 1 full turn right and step left together (6:00)5&Kick right forward, cross right over left6&Rock left back, recover onto right7&Kick left forward, cross left over right8&Rock right back, recover onto left Count 4 can be replaced with left foot stepping beside rightSAILOR STEP ¼ TURN RIGHT TWICE, CROSS ROCK, SIDE, SAILOR STEP ¼ TURN LEFT1&Cross right over left, turn ¼ right and step left back (face 9:00)2Step right to side3&Cross left behind right, turn ¼ right and step right forward (face 12:00)4Step left to side5&Cross/rock right behind left, recover onto left6Step right to side7&Cross left behind right, step right to side8Turn ¼ left and step left forward (9:00)HEEL TOUCH, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, FULL TURN LEFT, KICK BALL CROSS1Swivel left heel right and touch right heel to side Both heels should be pointing in&2Swivel left heel to center and touch right toe together, swivel left heel right and touch right heel to side3&Cross right behind left, step left to side4Cross right over left5Turn ½ left and step left together6Turn ½ left and touch right together7&Kick right diagonally forward, step right together (10:30)8Cross left over rightREPEAT
After wall 6
1Step right diagonally forward (1:30)2Step left together and hitch right knee3&Step right back, step left together4Turn 1/8 right and step right forward (3:00)5Turn ¼ right and step left to side (facing 6:00)6Turn ½ right and step right to side (facing 12:00)7-8Hold, hold During counts 7-8, make a ripple from right fingers, over shoulders and out to left fingers