Lady Lace (UK)
Patience - Take That
2 WALKS, STEP PIVOT ½ TURN, SIDE ¼ TURN, BEHIND, SAILOR STEP, KICK BALL STEP1-2Step forward right, step forward left3&Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left4-5Step right to side making ¼ turn left, step left behind6&7Sweep right round to back, step left to side, step right to side&8&Kick left forward, step left in place, step right forward2 WALKS, STEP PIVOT ½ TURN, SIDE ¼ TURN, BEHIND, SAILOR STEP, KICK BALL STEP1-2Step forward left, step forward right3&Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right4-5Step left to side making ¼ turn right, step right behind6&7Sweep left round to back, step right to side, step left to side&8&Kick right forward, step right in place, step left forwardDOROTHY STEPS, JAZZ BOX SLIDE TOUCH1-2Long step right diagonally forward, lock step left behind&Step right beside left3-4Long step left diagonally forward, lock step right behind&Step left beside right5-6Cross step right over left, step left back7-8Long step right to side, slide left to touch beside rightROLLING VINE LEFT, SHUFFLE ¼ TURN, FORWARD SHUFFLE, SIDE ROCK, HEEL & TOGETHER1-2Step left ½ turn left, step right back ½ turn left easier option vine left3&4Step left forward making ¼ turn left, step right beside, step left forward5&6Step right forward, step left beside, step right forward7&Rock left to left side, recover8&Touch left heel across right, step left beside rightREPEAT