Tim Gauci (AUS)
Workin' Overtime - Adam Harvey
VINE TO RIGHT, SCUFF, VINE TO LEFT, SCUFF1-4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, scuff left5-8Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, scuff rightSTEP, PIVOT ½ LEFT, STEP, PIVOT ½ LEFT, ROCKING CHAIR9-12Step right forward, pivot turn ½ to left, step right forward, pivot turn ½ to left13-16Step forward right, replace weight on left, step back right, replace weight on leftSTEP, LOCK, STEP, SCUFF, STEP, LOCK, STEP, SCUFF17-20Step forward right, lock left behind right, step forward right, scuff left21-24Step forward left, lock right behind left, step forward left, scuff rightSTEP FORWARD, PIVOT ½ LEFT, TOE STRUT X 3 Optional: can do ½ turns to right on 2nd and 3rd struts to make full turn25-28Step forward right, pivot turn ½ to left, touch toe ball of right toe forward, drop right heel to floor (right toe strut)29-32Touch toe ball of left toe forward, drop left heel to floor (left toe strut), touch toe ball of right toe forward, drop right heel to floor (right toe strut)LEFT KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP, PIVOT ¼ RIGHT, LEFT KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP, PIVOT ¼ RIGHT33&34-35-36Kick left forward, (&) step left together, step right together, step left forward, pivot ¼ to right (weight right)37&38-38-40Kick left forward, (&) step left together, step right together, step left forward, pivot ¼ to right (weight right)ACROSS, POINT, ACROSS, POINT, BOX STEP TURNING ¼ TO LEFT41-44Step left over right, point right toe to right side, step right over left, point left toe to left45-48Step left over right, step back right, step left to left turning ¼ to left, step right forwardFORWARD ROCK, COASTER STEP CROSS, FORWARD ROCK, COASTER STEP CROSS49-50-51&52Step forward left, replace weight on right, step left back, (&) step right together, step left over right53-54-55&56Step forward right, replace weight on left, step right back, (&) step left together, step right over leftSIDE ROCK, SHUFFLE ACROSS, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH57-58-59&60Step left to left, replace weight on right, shuffle left over right (left, right, left)61-64Step right to right, touch left to right & clap, step left to left, touch right to left & clap (weight left)REPEATRESTART On the 2nd wall after the 2 step locks, restart dance after beat 24. Go straight into the vine right