Outside The Lines
Harlan Curtis (USA)
Outside the Lines - Cory Morrow
RIGHT SIDE SHUFFLE, ROCK RETURN, LEFT SIDE SHUFFLE, ROCK RETURN1&2Step to right with right foot, step next to right with left foot, step to right with right foot3-4Rock back on the left foot & return weight to the right foot5&6Step to left with left foot, step next to left with right foot, step to left with left foot7-8Rock back on the right foot & return weight to the left footVINE RIGHT WITH HEEL TOUCH, VINE LEFT WITH TOE TOUCH1-2Step right to side, step left behind3-4Step right to side, touch left heel diagonally to side5-6Step left to side, step right behind left7-8Step left to side, touch right toe in frontPOINT SIDE, POINT FRONT, POINT SIDE, SLAP, ¼ TURN, STEP SLIDE, STEP TOUCH1-2Point right toe to side, point right toe to front3-4Point right toe to side, slap right foot behind with left hand5-6Step right ¼ to right side turning right, slide left up next to right (with attitude)7-8Step right forward, slide left up next to right & touch (with attitude)POINT SIDE, STEP BEHIND, POINT SIDE, STEP BEHIND, POINT SIDE, POINT FRONT, POINT SIDE, SLAP1-2Point left toe to side, step left behind right3-4Point right toe to side, step right behind left5-6Point left toe to side, point left toe to front7-8Point left toe to side, slap left foot behind with right handSTEP SLIDE, STEP SLIDE, SWIVEL HEELS, TOES, HEELS, TOES1-2Step left forward diagonally left, slide right up next to left (with attitude)3-4Step left forward diagonally left, slide right up next to left (with attitude)5-6Swivel both heels to right, swivel both toes to right7-8Swivel both heels to right, swivel both toes to center positionREPEAT