Digga Digga Dog - Oren Walters
ROCK, STEP, CLICK1Right step to the side rocking weight onto it&2Weight onto left, right step together3-4Step left forward, click fingers at shouldersSIDE TOUCHES, SWITCH-STEP-LEFT5&6Right toe touch side, together, side7&Right step together, left step side8Left step side and head look down to the floor on the left side of you and hands on thighsROLL, MAMBOS9-12Roll head around to the left twice and make a ¼ turn left bringing right foot next to left Option for 9-12: right kick ball change, step right foot forward, pivot a ¼ turn left13&14Step right back, rock weight onto left, right step together15&16Step left back, rock weight onto right, left step togetherWALK THE DOG Right had down to right side as if walking a dog until beat 2017-18Walk forward right, left19&20Right shuffle forward¾ TOUCH PIVOT21Left touch out to the side22Pivot a ¾ turn left bringing left together next to rightSIDE CHASSE WITH TURN TWICE23&24Right side shuffle25-26Left step over right, unwind a full turn right27&28Left side shuffle29-30Right step over right, unwind a full turn leftTOUCH, FLICK31Right toe touch to the right side32Flick right foot back making a ¼ turn leftREPEAT