Not Settlin'
Cef Decaney (USA)
Settlin' - Sugarland
SAILOR STEPS X41&2Sailor on right (step right behind left, step left slightly out to left, step right beside left)3&4Sailor on left (step left behind right, step right slight out to right, step left beside right)5-8Repeat 1-4PIVOT ¼ TURNS X41-2Step right foot forward, ¼ turn to left placing weight on left3-4Step right foot forward, ¼ turn to left placing weight on left5-6Step right foot forward, ¼ turn to left placing weight on left7-8Step right foot forward, ¼ turn to left placing weight on left Swing hips with each turn for attitudeVINE TO RIGHT, CROSSOVER STEP, VINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN1-2&Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side3&4Tap left heel diagonally forward, step left beside right, cross right over left5-6Step left to left side, step right behind left7-8Step left to left making ¼ turn to left, touch right next to leftROLLING VINE TO RIGHT, ROLLING VINE TO LEFT1-2Turn ¼ right and step right foot forward, turn ½ right and step left foot back3-4Turn ¼ right and step right foot to side, touch left next to right5-6Turn ¼ left and step left foot forward, turn ½ left and step right foot back7-8Turn ¼ left and step left foot to side, touch right next to leftHEEL TAPS, SIDE TOUCHES, HEEL TAPS, HOLD1&2&Tap right heel diagonally forward, step right next to left, tap left heel diagonally forward, step left next to right3&4&Touch right toe out to right side, step right next to left, touch left toe out to left side, step left next to right5&6&Tap right heel diagonally forward, step right next to left, tap left heel diagonally forward, step left next to right7-8Tap right heel diagonally forward, holdREPEAT