Northern Soul
William Sevone (UK)
Time Will Pass You By - Kylie Minogue
Sequence: AA, tag, A (1-24), bridge, A (25-36), AAA, tag, A (1-24), bridge, A (25-36), A, bridge, bridge, AA, bridge, AA, A (1-10), dance finishPART A 2X SAILOR STEPS, STEP BEHIND-¼ RIGHT STEP FORWARD-STEP FORWARD, FORWARD HITCH WITH EXPRESSION, STEP BACKWARD, (3:00)1&2Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot in place3&4Cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot in place5&6Cross step left foot behind right, turn ¼ right & step slightly forward onto right foot, step forward onto left foot7Hitch right knee forward while raising left heel8Step backward onto right foot while lowering left heel to floor½ LEFT FORWARD SHUFFLE, FORWARD SHUFFLE, STEP FORWARD, ½ RIGHT COASTER STEP, CROSS STEP, (3:00)9&10Turn ½ left & step forward onto left foot, close right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot,11&12Step forward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot13-14Step forward onto left foot, turn ½ right & step backward onto right foot&15Step left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot16Cross step left foot over right¾ RIGHT, SIDE TOE TOUCH, 3X BACKWARD SAILOR STEPS, (12:00)17-18Unwind ¾ right (weight on left foot), touch right toe to right side19&20(Moving backward) diagonally cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot in place20&22(Moving backward) diagonally cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot in place23&24(Moving backward) diagonally cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot in placeSTEP BEHIND-¼ LEFT HEEL SWITCH, 2X HEEL SWITCHES, CROSS STEP, ½ RIGHT, FORWARD SHUFFLE, (3:00)25&26Cross step left foot behind right, turn ¼ left & step right foot next to left, touch left heel forward&27Step left foot next to right, touch right heel forward&28Step right foot next to left, touch left heel forward29-30Cross step left foot over right, unwind ½ right (weight on left foot)31&32Step forward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot¼ LEFT BACKWARD STEP, WALK BACKWARD: RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, (6:00)33-34Turn ¼ left & step backward onto left foot, step backward onto right foot35-36Step backward onto: left foot, right footTAG This short tag appears twice, both times when facing 12:00 - after the 2nd and 5th complete vanilla:1&2Step backward onto left foot, step right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot3&4Step forward onto right foot, step left foot next to right, step right foot diagonally backward rightBRIDGE THIS 16 COUNT BRIDGE APPEARS FIVE TIMES THROUGHOUT THE DANCE: 3rd vanilla - after count 24 (12:00) 7th vanilla - after count 24 (12:00) 8th vanilla - after completion (12:00) Repeat bridge 10th vanilla - after completion STEP BEHIND, MONTEREY SPIN, CROSS STEP, ½ RIGHT, STEP FORWARD, FORWARD HITCH WITH EXPRESSION, STEP BACKWARD,1-2Cross step left foot behind right, touch right toe to right side3-4Turn ½ right & step right foot next to left, cross step left over right5-6Unwind ½ right, step forward onto right foot7Hitch left knee forward while raising right heel8Step backward onto left foot while lowering right heel to floor½ RIGHT STEP FORWARD, STEP FORWARD, FORWARD HITCH WITH EXPRESSION, STEP BACKWARD, ½ LEFT FORWARD SHUFFLE, BACKWARD COASTER STEP9-10Turn ½ right & step forward onto right foot, step forward onto left foot11Hitch right knee forward while raising left heel12Step backward onto right foot while lowering left heel to floor13&14Turn ½ left & step forward onto left foot, close right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot15&16Step forward onto right foot, step left foot next to right, step backward onto right footDANCE FINISH After count 10 (9:00) on the 13th vanilla do the following -15-16Rock backward onto right foot, turn ¼ right & cross step left foot over right (right hand on hat brim, left hand behind back, (optional - hold position till end of music, 30 counts - or - request that music ends when dance does)