No I-Dea!
Intermediate contra dance
Chris Peel (UK)
Ain't Got No Idea - Pirates of the Mississippi
Position: In two lines facing gap between dancer on the opposite side No intro. Count "6,7,8" and begin dance on the "i" from the initial sentence: "Ain't got no i-dea"WALKING STEPS FORWARD, KICK, WALKING STEPS BACK, TOUCH1-4Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward, kick left forward5-8Step left back, step right back, step left back, touch right beside leftPIVOT ½ TURN LEFT (TWICE), WALKING STEPS FORWARD, KICK9-10Step right forward into ½ turn pivot left, switch weight forward onto left11-12Step right forward into ½ turn pivot left, switch weight forward onto left13-16Step forward right, step forward left, step forward right, kick left forwardSTEPS BACK WITH POINTS, STEPS BACK WITH CROSS KICKS17-20Step left back, touch right toe to side, step right back, touch left toe to side21-24Step left back, kick right across left, step right back kick left across rightCROSS ROCKS, KICK, STEP, PIVOT ¼ TURN LEFT25-26Step left across right (maintaining diagonal to right), rock weight back onto right27-28Cross rock weight forward onto left, rock weight back onto right29-30Kick left across right, step left beside right (adjusting to center)31-32Step right forward into pivot ¼ turn left, switch weight to side onto left (now aim for the gap to your right)BIG SIDE STEPS TO RIGHT, STEP TOGETHER (THREE TIMES), PIVOT ¼ TURN LEFT33-36Big side step right, step left beside right, big side step right, step left beside right37-38Big side step right, step left beside right39-40Step right forward into pivot ¼ turn left, switch weight to side onto left (now facing opposite number)CROSS KICK, STEP (LEADING RIGHT, THEN LEFT), SIDE JACK (ON THE BEAT)41-42Kick right across left, step right forward (adjusting to center)43-44Kick left across right, step left forward (adjusting to center)45-46Side step right, side step left (feet, shoulder width apart)47-48Step right home, step left beside rightWEAVE LEFT, KICK, SIDE STEP, STEP TOGETHER, SIDE STEP49-52Step right across left, side step left, step right behind left, side step left53-54Kick right across left, side step right (adjusting to center)55-56Step left beside right, side step right (feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart)WEAVE RIGHT, KICK, SIDE STEP, STEP TOGETHER, SIDE STEP57-60Step left across right, side step right, step left behind right, side step right61-62Kick left across right, side step left (adjusting to center)63-64Step right beside left, side step left (feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart)REPEATOPTIONAL TAG Only for third repetition: dance beats 1-32 and return to the beginning, to cover the 8-bar section preceding the instrumental verse. Change beats 31-32 to31-32Step right forward, step left beside right omitting the turn The steps work well without the tag but phrasing with the lyrics is not maintained.