My Love To You
William Sevone (UK)
All I Have to Offer You Is Love - Tanya Tucker
Dance style:- The rhythm of the dance is such that after every third count there is a very slight pause before the fourth count. This does not effect, in any way the timing of the dance2X CROSS TOUCH-SIDE TOUCH-BEHIND-UNWIND (½-¼)1-2Cross touch left toe over right foot, touch left toe to left side3-4Cross step left foot behind right, unwind ½ left (weight on left foot)5-6Cross touch right foot over left foot, touch right foot to right side7-8Cross step right foot behind left, unwind ¼ right (weight on right foot)STEP FORWARD, LOCK, STEP FORWARD, DIAGONAL ROCK WITH EXPRESSION, ROCK WITH ¼ RIGHT, STEP FORWARD, WALK FORWARD: LEFT-RIGHT9-10Step forward onto left foot, lock right foot behind left heel11-12Step forward onto left foot, rock diagonally forward left onto right foot (with right arm sweep)13-14Rock onto left foot & turn ¼ right, step forward onto right foot15-16Walk forward: left, rightSIDE STEPS WITH EXPRESSION, ¼ LEFT WITH BACKWARD STEP, ¼ LEFT WITH STEP FORWARD, WALK FORWARD: LEFT-RIGHT17Step left foot to left side & sway hips and arms to left18(Moving slightly backward) step right foot to right side & sway hips and arms to right19(Moving slightly backward) step left foot to left side & sway hips and arms to left20(Moving slightly backward) step right foot to right side & sway hips and arms to right21-22Turn ¼ left & step slightly backward onto left foot, turn ¼ left & step forward onto right foot23-24Walk forward: left, rightBEHIND, ¼ RIGHT WITH STEP FORWARD, DIAGONAL ROCK WITH EXPRESSION, ROCK WITH ¼ LEFT, 2X ¼ LEFT, 2X SIDE ROCKS, WEIGHT STEP25-26Cross step left foot behind right, turn ¼ right & step forward onto right foot27-28Rock diagonally forward right onto left foot (with left arm swing), rock onto right foot & turn ¼ left29-30Turn a further ¼ left & step left foot to left side, turn ¼ left & rock right foot to right side31-32Rock left foot to left side, transfer weight to right foot Style note: counts 30-31, sway hips into direction of rockREPEATRESTART Only once, after count 26 on 7th wall The first 6 walls end facing 'home' (12:00), After the 7th wall restart the next 6 walls end facing 'away' (6:00),DANCE FINISH To finish the dance (during the fade) continue to count 4 of the 14th wall and hold (optional styling: head lowered, right hand touching brim of hat during hold)