Mish Mash
Andrew Palmer (UK), Simon Cox (UK) & Sheila Palmer (UK)
Mish Mash - Speechless
SIDE, SAILOR-STEP, HITCH, COASTER-STEP, TURN, KICK-BALL-STEP1-2&3-4Step right to side, step left behind right, step right beside left, step left slightly forward, hitch right5&6-7-8&1Right coaster step, ¼ pivot left (9:00 - keeping weight on right), left kick-ball-stepTURN, HOLD, HEEL-TWIST, HOLD, BALL-STEP, STEP, ½-TURN-STEP2-3&¼ pivot left (6:00), hold (place both hands out in front), twist both heels left (move/slide hands left)4-5&6Twist both heels back to center (move/slide hands back to center), hold, left ball-step7-8Step left forward (toes turned out ready to turn left), ½ turn left (12:00) stepping back on rightSAILOR-¼-TOE, TOGETHER, POINT, HOLD, ¼-TURN-TOGETHER, POINT, HOLD, BALL-¼-CROSS, ¼-TURN-STEP1&2&Step left behind right, ¼ turn left (9:00) stepping on right, point left forward, step left in place3-4Point right to side, hold&5-6¼ turn right (12:00) step right in place, point left forward, hold&7-8Step ball of left in place, ¼ turn right (3:00) crossing right over left, ¼ turn right (6:00) stepping back on leftCOASTER-KICK-STEP, STEP, CROSS, BACK, SIDE, CROSS, KICK-BALL-CROSS1&2&3-4Right coaster-kick-step, step forward left, cross right over left5&6-7&8Step back on left, step right to side, cross left over right, right kick-ball-cross (traveling slightly to right side)SIDE, POINT BEHIND, KICK-BALL-CROSS, STOMP, KICK-BALL-CROSS, SIDE1-2Step right to side, point left behind right (turn head to look right and swing both hands to right point both index fingers right)3&4-5Left kick-ball-cross (traveling slightly to left side), stomp left beside right6&7-8Left kick-ball-cross (traveling slightly to left side), step left to sideSAILOR-½, ¼-STEP, SAILOR-¼, STEP, SCUFF, HITCH, STOMP1&2Step right behind left, ¼ turn right (9:00) stepping on left, ¼ turn right (12:00) stepping forward on right3¼ turn right (3:00) stepping left to side4&5Step right behind left, ¼ turn right (6:00) stepping slightly back on left, step right beside left6-7&8Step left forward, scuff right forward, hitch right, stomp right in front of leftHOLD, HEEL SPLITS, KICK, STEP, HEEL, STEP, TOE, STEP, HEEL, STEP, TOE, ½-TURN-STEP1&2Hold, split both heels out, return both heels back in line (weight on left)3&4&Kick right, step back on right, tap left heel forward, step left in place5&6&7Touch right to left heel, step back on right, tap left heel forward, step left in place, touch right to left heel8½ turn right (6:00) stepping right forwardSTEP-PIVOT-½, LEFT SHUFFLE1-2-3&4Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (12:00), left shuffleREPEAT