Maria Santana
Andrew Palmer (UK), Simon Cox (UK) & Sheila Palmer (UK)
Maria Maria - Santana
SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, TOUCH, ¼, ¼, CROSS-SHUFFLE1-2Step right to side, step left behind right&3&4Step right to side, cross left over right, step right to side, touch left behind right5-6¼ right (3:00) step back on left, ¼ right (6:00) step right to side7&8Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right Restart point for wall 3ROCK, RECOVER, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, UN-WIND, BALL-STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, CHUG STEP1-2Rock right to side, recover3&Step right behind left, step left to side4-5Cross right over left, un-wind ½ left (12:00) weight remains on right&6Step ball of left in place, step right forward7&Rock left forward, recover (in preparation for a chug step turning left)8&1¼ left (9:00) step left in front, ¼ left (6:00) step ball of right behind left, ¼ left (3:00) step left in front (step-ball-step)¼, TOUCH, ½, TOUCH, ¼, ½, LOCK-STEP, ¼, TOUCH, SIDE, CROSS&2¼ left (12:00) hitch right, touch right to side&3½ left (6:00) hitch right, touch right to side4-5¼ right (9:00) step right forward, ½ right (3:00) step back on left6&7Step back on right, lock left over right, step back on right&8&1¼ left (12:00) step left to side, touch right to side, step right in place, cross left over rightSIDE, SAILOR-STEP ½, TOUCH, STEP, COASTER-CROSS2Step right to side3&4Step left behind right, ½ left (6:00) step right in place, step left in front5-6Touch right in front, step right in place7&8Step back on left, step right in place beside left, cross left over rightREPEATRESTART Start wall 3 (facing 12:00) and complete 8 counts (cross-shuffle). Restart from beginning (the start of wall 4)TAG Dancing wall 7 (start wall facing 12:00) complete up to count 23 (lock-step) (3:00) then:8&¼ left (12:00) step left to side, touch right in place Restart from beginning