Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
Love Made Me Do It - Andrew Gold
HEEL, CLAP, TOE, CLAP, BACKWARD TRAVELING HEEL SWITCHES, ¼ TURN WITH HOOK1-2Touch right heel forward, hold and clap3-4Touch right toe back, hold and clap5&6&Touch right heel forward, step back on right, touch left heel forward, step back on left7-8Touch right heel forward, on ball of left make ¼ turn right and hook right across leftHEEL LOCK, HEEL-STRUTS, STOMP, CLAP9-10Step forward on right heel, lock left behind right11-12Step forward on right heel, drop toes to floor13-14Step forward on left heel, drop toes to floor15-16Stomp right beside left, hold and clapLONG SIDE STEP, CLOSE, TWIST, LONG SIDE STEP, CLOSE, TWIST17-18Step right long step to right, step left beside right19-20Twist both heels left, twist both heels to center21-22Step right long step to right, step left beside right23-24Twist both heel left, twist both heels to centerDIAGONAL STEPS WITH TOUCHES, KICK, TOUCH, KICK-BALL-CHANGE25-26Step right diagonally forward right, touch left beside right27-28Step left diagonally forward left, touch right beside left29-30Kick right forward, touch right beside left31&32Kick right forward, step right back, step left forwardREPEATTAG Dance only counts 1-16 of the 5th wall. Dance only counts 1-8 of the 10th wall