Lusty Lori

I Feel Lucky - Mary Chapin Carpenter

1-4Touch right heel out in front, bring back together- touch left heel out in front, bring back together
5-8Touch right heel out in front, bring back together- touch left heel out in front, bring back together
9-12Tap right heel out in front twice- tap right toe to back twice
13-16Step forward on right foot- make ¼ turn to left- bring right together- clap
17-20While taking small step to right with right foot "shimmy" to the right for 2 beats- bring left foot together- clap
21-24While taking small step to left with left foot (extend arms to front with palms up in fist) "pump" or thrust hips while pulling in arms for 2 beats bring right foot together- clap
25-28While taking small step to left with left foot "shimmy" to the left for 2 beats- bring right foot together- clap
29-32While taking small step to right with right foot (extend arms to front with palms up in fist) "pump" or thrust hips while pulling in arms for 2 beats (see 21-24) bring left foot together- clap

33-36Right hand goes on right butt cheek- left hand goes on left butt cheek- right hand goes on belt buckle- left hand goes on belt buckle
33-36Right hand goes on right butt cheek- left hand goes on left butt cheek- right hand goes to back of neck- left hand goes to back of neck
Until we show you the variation- please keep your hands on your own body!!
37-40"Pump" or thrust hips for 4 beats (this works better if feet are a few inches apart)
41-44While dropping hands, stomp right- stomp left- clap twice