Lunatic Cowboy
Paula Ehemann & John Leuthold
Don't Stop - Wade Hayes
TOUCH FORWARD, TOUCH BACK, ¼ TURN LEFT1-2Touch left heel forward, touch left toe back3-4Turn ¼ left on both feet, close right foot beside leftTOUCH FORWARD, TOUCH BACK, ¼ TURN RIGHT5-6Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back7-8Turn ¼ right on both feet, close left foot beside rightSWIVETS, APPLE JACK STEPS9-10Taking weight on left heel and right toe: twist both toes to the left and then back to center11-12Change weight to right heel and left toe: twist both toes to the right and then back to center13-14Taking weight on left heel and right toe: swivel left toe and right heel to left and then back to center15-16Change weight to right heel and left toe: swivel right toe and left heel to right and then back to centerTOUCH FORWARD, HOOK, STEP, TOUCH, ¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH17-18Touch right heel forward, hook right heel below left knee19-20Step forward on right, touch left beside right21-22Step back on left, touch right beside left23-24Step ¼ turn to right on right foot, touch left beside rightSTEP ¼ TURN LEFT, TOUCH, 1-¼ TURN RIGHT25-26Step ¼ turn left on left foot, touch right beside left27-30Turn 1-¼ to right (step right, left, right, close left beside right)JUMP, CROSS, ANKLE BREAK, JUMP, CROSS, UNWIND31-32Jump landing with feet apart, jump again crossing right ankle over left33-34Rock ankles once to the left and once to the right35-36Jump landing with feet apart, jump again crossing right over left37-38Unwind ½ turn to left, close right foot next to leftREPEAT