Lucky Cha
A.T. Kinson (USA) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA)
Lucky Me - Mindy McCready
SIDE, ROCK, RECOVER, RIGHT SCISSORS, ROCK SIDE, RECOVER, VINE & RONDE1-3Step left foot to left side, rock back with right foot, recover forward to left foot4&5Step right foot to right side, step together with left, step right foot across in front of left6-7Rock left foot to left side, recover weight to right foot8&1Step left foot across in front of right, step right foot to right side, step left foot crossed behind right at same time sweep right foot forward and out to right sideCROSS BEHIND, ¼ TURN LEFT, FORWARD CHA, ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, BACK LOCK2-3Step right foot crossed behind left, turn ¼ left and step forward on left4&5Step forward with right, step together with left, step forward with right6-7Rock forward with left foot, recover weight back to right foot8&1Step back with left, lock step right foot across in front of left, step back with leftREVERSE PIVOT ¼ TURN RIGHT, SAILOR, BACK ROCK, RECOVER, SIDE CHA2-3Touch right toe back, turn ¼ right, leave weight on left foot ending with right toe pointing to right side4&5Step right foot crossed behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot in place slightly forward6-7Rock back with left foot, recover weight forward to right foot8&1Step left foot to left side, step together with right, step left foot to left side turning left toe slightly to left sideKICK, ¼ TURN RIGHT AND FOLD TO A FIGURE 4, FORWARD CHA, ½ TURN RIGHT, TAP, STEP, SIDE CHA2-3Kick right foot forward across in front of left, turn ¼ right leaving weight on left foot and bending right knee so that right shin is crossed over left shin to create a figure 4 You are now facing ¼ right from original wall4&5Step forward with right foot, step together with left, step forward with right6&7Turn ½ right rocking back on left foot, tap ball of right foot forward with both legs slightly bent, step forward with right8&Step left foot to left side, step together with right You are now facing ¼ left from the original wallREPEAT