Tom Mickers (NL)
Taking It Global - Big Brovaz
1Right foot - step diagonally forward (hip lead)2Left foot - step to the left side (hip lead)3Right foot - step diagonally back (knees close together)4Left foot - step together (knees close together)5Right foot - step to the right side6Push weight back on left foot and ½ turn to the right&Right foot - step back together7Left foot - step to the left side8Push left foot back together &Right foot - diagonally left back step1Left foot - step diagonally forward to the right2Right foot - small step to the right side3&4Repeat starting with left foot5&6Repeat starting with right foot7&8Repeat starting with left, count 8 with ¼ turn to the right 1Push your weight from left to right during a big jump-step on right foot&-Left foot - small cross behind right foot2Replace weight on right foot3Push your weight from right to left during a big jump-step on left foot&Contract your body moving right foot closer to left foot4Contract body even more and finish right foot beside left foot (knees closed and slightly bend)5-8Repeat 1-4 1Lift right knee in a round motion ¼ turn to the left forward2Right foot - dragging from front to back with a bend leg3Move upper body forward and in a round motion to the back Only your upper body ¼ turn to the right, weight on bend right leg&Left foot - cross behind right foot, ¼ turn lower body (upper body stays in place)4Whole body ¼ turn to the right, right foot step forward5Left foot - step forward6Left knee up&Left foot beside right7Right foot - step forward&¼ turn to the left8Left foot - step in placeREPEAT