William Sevone (UK)
Nobody But a Fool - Chely Wright
2X CROSS STEP-SIDE STEP-DIAGONAL HEEL TOUCH WITH EXPRESSION-STEP1-2Cross step right foot over left, step left foot to left side3Touch right heel diagonally right - turning body in same direction and clapping hands at head height4(Turning to face forward) step down onto right foot5-6Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side,7Touch left heel diagonally left - turning body in same direction and clapping hands at head height8(Turning to face forward) step down onto left footDIAGONAL STEP BACKWARD, TOGETHER, ½ RIGHT DIAGONAL STEP FORWARD, KICK, ½ LEFT DIAGONAL STEP FORWARD, STEP FORWARD, STEP BEHIND, SIDE STEP9-10Step right foot diagonally backward left, step left foot next to right11-12Turn ½ right & step right foot diagonally forward right, kick left foot forward13-14Turn ½ left & step left foot diagonally forward right, (turn left to face wall) step forward onto right foot15-16Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right sideDIAGONAL STEP BACKWARD, TOGETHER, ½ LEFT DIAGONAL STEP FORWARD, KICK, ½ RIGHT DIAGONAL STEP FORWARD, STEP FORWARD, STEP BEHIND, SIDE STEP17-18Step left foot diagonally backward right, step right foot next to left19-20Turn ½ left & step left foot diagonally forward left, kick right foot forward21-22Turn ½ right & step right foot diagonally forward left, (turn right to face wall) step forward onto left foot23-24Cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side4X STEP BACKWARD WITH EXPRESSION, STEP FORWARD, LOCK, 2X STEP FORWARD, ¼ RIGHT SIDE STEP25Step backward onto right foot (turning upper body diagonally right & clicking fingers at head height)26Step backward onto left foot (turning upper body diagonally left & clicking fingers at head height)27Step backward onto right foot (turning upper body diagonally right & clicking fingers at head height)28Step backward onto left foot (turning upper body diagonally left & clicking fingers at head height)29-30Step forward onto right foot, lock left foot behind right heel31-32Step forward onto right foot, turn ¼ right & step left foot to left sideREPEATDANCE FINISH The dance will finish on count 22 of the 13th wall (facing 'home'). Just 'stomp right foot next to left with right hand on hat brim & left hand on left hip' to complete dance