Love Starts Talkin'
Michelle Chandonnet (CAN)
When Love Starts Talkin' - Wynonna
Sequence: A, B, A, B, A, A, APART A TOE STRUTS TO LEFT SIDE1-2Touch right toes across front of left foot, step down right heel3-4Touch left toes to left side, step down left heel5-6Touch right toes across front of left foot, step down right heel7-8Touch left toes to left side, step down left heelMONTEREY TURN, TOES SPLIT, HEELS SPLIT9Touch right toes to right side10Pivot ½ turn to right on left foot and step right together11-12Touch left toes to left side, step left together13-14Toes split15-16Heels splitRIGHT GRAPEVINE, HOP BACK, HOP TO PLACE, HOP BACK, HOP TO PLACE17-19Grapevine to the right side (right, left, right)20Touch left toes together&21Hop back on left, touch right heel forward&22Hop on right to home, touch left toes together&23Hop back on left, touch right heel forward&24Hop on right to home, touch left toes togetherLEFT GRAPEVINE, HOP BACK, HOP TO PLACE, HOP BACK, HOP TO PLACE25-27Grapevine to the left side (left, right, left)28Touch right toes together&29Hop back on right, touch left heel forward&30Hop on left to home, touch right toes together&31Hop back on right, touch left heel forward&32Hop on left to home, touch right toes togetherANGLE STEP, STEP TOGETHER WITH CLAP (4X)33-34Step forward diagonally on right, step left together with clap35-36Step forward diagonally on left, step right together with clap37-38Step backward diagonally on right, step left together with clap39-40Step backward diagonally on left, step right together with clapKICK, KICK, COASTER STEP (TWICE)41-42Kick right forward twice43-44Coaster step (right, left, right)45-46Kick left forward twice47-48Coaster step (left, right, left)RIGHT GRAPEVINE, BRUSH, DOUBLE BUMP, DOUBLE BUMP49-51Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right, step right foot to right52Scuff left53&54Step left foot forward diagonally and bump hips (left, right, left)55&56Bump hips backward (right, left, right)LEFT GRAPEVINE, BRUSH, DOUBLE BUMP, DOUBLE BUMP57-59Step left foot to left, step right foot behind left, step left foot to left60Scuff right61&62Step right foot forward diagonally and bump hips (right, left, right)63&64Bump hips backward (left, right, left)PART B OUT, OUT, CLAP, IN, IN, CLAP, HOP FEET APART, HOP FEET CROSS, UNWIND, CLAP&1Step right foot to right side, step left foot to left side)2Clap&3Step right to home, step left foot together4Clap5-6Hop feet apart, hop feet cross (right over left)7-8Unwind ½ turn to the left, clapHITCH, STOMP, HOLD, HITCH, STOMP, HOLD&Hitch right knee in toward left leg9Stomp right to right side (right arm extend beside the right tigh with palm open) and head turned to the right side)10-12Hold three counts&Hitch left knee in toward right leg13Stomp left slightly to the left side (left arm extend beside the left thigh with palm open and head turned to the left side)14-16Hold three countsELVIS KNEES, HIP ROLLS17Flex left knee in toward right knee (raise left heel)18Flex right knee in toward left knee (raise right heel)19Flex left knee in toward right knee (raise left heel)20Flex right knee in toward left knee (raise right heel)21-24Hip rolls (right, left, right, left)SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, SHUFFLE, TOUCH, ½ TURN, STEP TOGETHER25&26Shuffle forward (right, left, right)27-28Rock step forward (left, right)29&30Shuffle backward (left, right, left)31Touch right toes backward turning ½ turn to the right on ball of both feet32Step left togetherSTEP, SLIDE, STEP TOGETHER, ROLL KNEES33-34Step right to right side, slide left together35-36Step right to right side, step left together with clap37-38Roll (circle to the right) right knee out to right on two counts39-40Roll (circle to the right) right knee out to right on two countsSTEP, SLIDE, STEP TOGETHER, ROLL KNEES41-42Step left to left side, slide right together35-36Step left to left side, step right together with clap37-38Roll (circle to the left) left knee out to left on two counts39-40Roll (circle to the left) left knee out to left on two counts39-40Roll (circle to the left) left knee out to left on two counts