Lola Lives
Helen Smith (UK)
Copacabana - Barry Manilow
2 X ¼ TURNING SAILOR STEPS LEFT, FULL TURN FORWARD, TOUCH, KICK1&2Cross right behind left, step left to left side turning ¼ left, step right to right side3&4Cross left behind right, step right to right side turning ¼ left, step left to left side5-6Make full turn forward, stepping right, left (turning left)7-8Touch right toe to left heel, kick right diagonally forward right (on steps 1&2, 3&4 you can roll your body from front to back, to the left to help the sailor steps really roll)RIGHT & LEFT VAUDEVILLES WITH KICKS, STEP, CROSS UNWIND ¾ RIGHT, STEP LOCK STEP FORWARD&9Step right to right side, cross left over right&10Step right to right side, kick left to left diagonal (pushing shoulders back)&11Step left to left side, cross right over left&12Step left to left side, kick right to right diagonal (pushing shoulders back)&13-14Step right to left, cross left over right, unwind ¾ right (weight ends on right)15&16Step forward on left, lock step right behind left, step forward on leftROLL HIPS TO THE LEFT TWICE, CHA-CHA-CHA BACK TO RIGHT DIAGONAL & LEFT DIAGONAL17-18Roll hips to the left (keeping feet in place)19-20Roll hips to the left (keeping feet in place)21&22Step back on right to right diagonal, close left to right, step back on right to right diagonal23&24Step back on left to left diagonal, close right to left, step back on left to left diagonalHEEL & TOE DIGS MOVING LEFT25&26Dig right heel over left, cross right step over left, touch left toe to right heel&27Step left to left side, dig right heel over left&28Cross step right over left, touch left toe to right heel&29Step left to left side, dig right heel over left&30Cross right step over left, touch left toe to right heel&31Step left to left side, dig right heel over left&32Cross step right over left, touch left toe to right heel¼ TURNING KICK BALL TOUCH, HIP BOUNCES, KICK BALL TOUCH, HIP BOUNCES33&34Kick left forward, turning ¼ left on ball of right, step left in place, touch right to right side&35&36Hold foot position, while bouncing hips out, in, out, in37&38Kick right forward, step in place on right, touch left to left side&39&40Hold foot position, while bouncing hips out, in, out, inCROSS ROCK, CROSS UNWIND ½ LEFT, 4 X ¼ TOUCH TURNS LEFT41-42Cross rock left over right, recover on right43-44Cross left behind right, unwind ½ turn left&45Hitch right knee while turning ¼ left, touch right toe to right side&46Hitch right knee while turning ¼ left, touch right toe to right side&47Hitch right knee while turning ¼ left, touch right toe to right side&48Hitch right knee while turning ¼ left, touch right toe to right sideSHIMMIES1-2Shimmy to right, moving body down then up (weight ends on right)3-4Shimmy to left, moving body down then up (weight ends on left)5-6Shimmy to right, moving body down then up (weight ends on right)7-8Shimmy to left, moving body down then up (weight ends on left)REPEATTAG When using Copacabana, at the end of 2nd, 4th and 6th walls (when facing front the first 3 times), add an extra 8 counts of shimmies, then dance through the 48 counts straight every wall thereafter