....A Little Ditty
William Sevone (UK)
NatKingColePorter SortOfThing - The Bum Steers
(MOVING RIGHT) KNEE POPS / JOHN WAYNES, HEEL DROP-SIDE TOE TOUCH, ½ RIGHT1Step right toe to right side&2Drop right heel straightening leg, step left toe next to right foot&3Drop left heel straightening leg, step right toe to right side&4Drop right heel straightening leg, step left toe next to right foot&5Drop left heel straightening leg, step right toe to right side&6Drop right heel straightening leg, step left toe next to right foot&7Drop left heel straightening leg, touch right toe to right side8Turn ½ right & step right foot next to left Style note: on all full counts 1-6 toes point inwards with knee's slightly bentHALF HEEL SWITCH, 2X FORWARD STEPS, ½ RIGHT, CROSS STEP ¼ RIGHT, BACKWARD SHUFFLE9&10Touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward11-12Step left foot forward, pivot ½ right (weight on right foot)13-14Cross step left foot over right, unwind ¼ right (weight on left foot)15&16Step backward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step backward onto right footBACKWARD TOE TOUCH, ¾ LEFT, BACKWARD KNEE POPS / JOHN WAYNES, HEEL DROP-½ RIGHT FORWARD STEP17-18Touch left toe backwards, turn ¾ left with left foot off floor19Step backwards onto left toe&20Drop left heel straightening leg, step backwards onto right toe&21Drop right heel straightening leg, step backwards onto left toe&22Drop left heel straightening leg, step backwards onto right toe&23Drop right heel straightening leg, step backwards onto left toe&24Drop left heel straightening leg, turn ½ right & step forward onto right foot Style note: on all full counts 19-23 toes point inwards with knee's slightly bentSIDE STEPS WITH CLAPS, BACKWARD DIAGONAL STEPS WITH CLAPS, STEP BACKWARD ½ LEFT25-26Step left foot to left side & clap hands, transfer weight to right foot & clap hands27-28Step left foot diagonal backward left & clap hands, step right foot diagonal backward right & clap hands29-30Step left foot diagonal backward left & clap hands, step right foot diagonal backward right & clap hands Style note: turn and lean body into counts 25-30 all hand claps at chest height31-32Step backward onto left foot, pivot ½ left (weight on left foot)REPEATFINISH On the 15th wall when dancing to 'The Bum Steers' dance up to count 11 then:12With left hand behind back and right hand on brim of hat (optional), step or stomp forward onto right foot with knee slightly bent forward.