Little Chapel
Beginner mixer dance
Josep Viladrich (ES)
Little Chapel - Heather Myles & Dwight Yoakam
These counts are to be done for men. Women will do the opposite1-2Step left with left foot; step right foot beside left foot3-4Step right with right foot; step left foot beside right foot At this moment the man drops the woman's right hand5-6Shuffle step ¼ turn left and step left, right, left7-8Shuffle step forward stepping right, left, right 9-10Rock forward on left foot; rock in place on right foot11-12Step left foot back; hold13-14Shuffle step back stepping right, left, right15-16Rock back on left foot; rock in place on right foot 17-18Step left with left foot; step right foot beside left foot19-20Step right with right foot with ¼ turn right; step left foot beside right foot21-24Step left foot to left side; step right foot behind left foot; step left foot to left side; step right foot beside left foot Counts from 21-24 the woman does a three step turning right 25-26Step left with left foot; step right foot beside left foot Counts from 25-26 the woman does the same as her partner, the man drops the woman's hand and they change their partnersREPEAT