Lexington 12 Step
Chris Jenquin (USA)
When Country Comes To Town - Toby Keith
KICK-BALL-CHANGE, TOE SNAP, SHUFFLE AND TURN, SHUFFLE AND ROCK1&2Left kick ball change3Left toe forward4Left heel snap5&6Right shuffle forward7Step left forward8Pivot ½ to the right9&10Left shuffle forward11Right rock forward12Left stepTOE SNAP, WALK FORWARD AND TURN, SHUFFLE AND ROCK, COASTER STEP1Right toe forward2Right heel snap3Step left forward4Step right forward5Step left forward6Pivot ½ to the right7&8Left shuffle forward9Right rock forward10Left step11&12Right coaster stepPIVOTS, SHUFFLE AND ROCK, MONTEREY TURN1Step left forward2Pivot ½ to the right3Step left forward4Pivot ¼ to the right5&6Left shuffle forward7Right rock forward8Left step9Right foot out to side10Pivot ½ to the right with right foot together11Left foot out to side12Left foot togetherMONTEREY TURN, SHUFFLE AND TURN, TOE SNAPS1Right foot out to side2Pivot ½ to the right with right foot together3Left foot out to side4Left foot together5&6Right shuffle forward7Step left forward8Pivot ½ to the right9Left toe back10Left heel snap11Right toe back12Right heel snapREPEAT