Let's Get Loud
Tony G. Young (UK)
Let's Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez
KICK BALL CHANGE, SIDE ROCK, RIGHT SAILOR STEP, ½ TURN1&2Kick right foot forward, step back on right foot, step in place with left foot3-4Step right foot to right side, rock weight back onto the left foot5&6Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot in place, step right foot to the right side7-8Step left foot forward and pivot ½ turn to the right9-16Repeat above starting on the left foot¼ TURN RIGHT VINE WITH HOLD, ½ TURN & KICK BALL CHANGE17-19Step right foot to the right, cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right making ¼ turn right20Hold21-22Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn right shifting the weight onto the left foot23&24Kick right foot forward, step right foot back, step left foot in place½ MONTEREY TURN, ¼ TURN SAILOR STEP25-26Touch right foot to right side, bring right foot back to place while making ½ turn right on ball of left foot27-28Touch left foot to left side, step left foot next to right foot29-30Step right foot forward, pivot ¼ turn to the left31&32Step right foot behind left, step left foot in place, step right foot to right sideCROSS ROCK & CHASSE TWICE33-34Cross step left foot over right, rock weight onto the right foot35&36Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side37-38Cross step right foot over left, rock weight back onto the left foot39&40Step right foot to the right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right sideSYNCOPATED LEFT VINE WITH A TOUCH, CROSS TOUCH, CROSS UNWIND ½41-42Step left foot to left side, cross right foot behind left foot43&44Step left foot to left side, cross right foot in front of left foot, touch left toe to left side45-46Cross left foot in front of right foot, touch right toe to right side47-48Cross right foot in front of left foot, unwind ½ turn to leftHEEL TOUCHES & HOOK TWICE49&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left50&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right51&Touch right heel forward, hook right leg in front of left knee,52&Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left53&Touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right54&Touch right foot forward, step right foot next to left foot55&Touch left foot forward, hook left leg in front of right knee56&Touch left heel forward, touch left foot next to rightROCK, COASTER STEP, MAMBO FORWARD, MAMBO BACK57-58Step forward onto the left foot, rock weight back onto the right foot59&60Step left foot backward, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot forward61&62Step right foot forward, step left foot in place, step right foot next to left foot63&64Step left foot backwards, step right foot in place, step left foot next to right footREPEAT