Let It All Go
Mark Smith (UK) & Lorraine Forth
Romeo - Basement Jaxx
JAZZ JUMPS, HIP SWAYS, SHUFFLE, PIVOT HALF TURN&1Jazz jumps out left, right2-3-4Hip sways left, right, left5&6Make quarter turn right, into right shuffle forward7-8Step forward left, pivot half turn rightFULL TURN, SIDE MAMBOS, KICK BALL CHANGE1-2Full turn right stepping left, right3&4Left side mambo rock5&6Right side mambo rock7&8Right kick ball changeJUMP BACK, TOE POINT, HIP BUMPS, LEG SWING, KICK AND CROSS&1Jump back on right foot taking left toe forward to floor raising left heel2-3-4Hold for one count, two left hip bumps forward with attitude5&6Left foot swing inwards towards right knee, out to left side and in place7-8Kick left foot forward cross left over rightLOCK STEP BACK, CROSS UNWIND HALF, PIVOT HALF RIGHT, QUARTER RIGHT DRAG1&2Right lock step back3-4Touch left toe behind right unwind half turn to the left5-6Step forward right pivot half turn to left7-8Step right foot quarter turn to left sliding left to meet right (no weight)REPEATTAG Only to be danced once after first wall SIDE ROCKS, PIVOT HALF RIGHT, FULL TURN LEFT1-2Rock right to right side, replace weight to left&3-4Step right to left, rock left to left side, replace weight to right&5-6Step left to right, step forward on right, pivot half turn left7-8Full turn left, stepping right leftSIDE ROCKS, CROSS FULL UNWIND, SLIDE, DRAG, AND POSE!1-2Rock right to right side, replace weight to left&3-4Step right to left, rock left to left side, replace weight to right5-6Cross left over right, making full turn to the right7-8Big step left dragging right to left take weight onto left and pose to the music