Leave It On
Dottie Wicks (USA)
That Girl - Maxi Priest
FORWARD TRAVELING BROADWAY KICKS1-2Stepping forward on left kick right leg in front and across left3-4Stepping forward on right kick left leg in front and across5-6Stepping forward on left kick right leg in front and across left7-8Stepping forward on right kick left leg in front and acrossKICK/TOUCH BACK/ ½ TURN PIVOT/HEEL HOOK/HEEL FLICK1-2Step down on left, kick right leg forward3Touch right toe behind right heel4Turn ½ turn to the right and while hooking right in front of left shin5With weight on left foot, dig right heel to 1:00 position6Hook right foot in front of left shin7With weight on left foot, dig right heel to 1:00 position8With weight on left foot, flick right foot to side rightSIDE SHUFFLES / ROCK STEPS1&2Shuffle to the right - right, left, right3-4Rock step back on left - recover weight on right5&6Shuffle to the left - left, right, left7-8Rock step back on right - recover weight on leftCROSS ROCKS/SHUFFLES WITH TURNS1-2Cross rock step - right in front of left / rock back on to left3&4Shuffle right, left, right while turning ½ turn to right (to the right)5-6Cross rock step - left in front of right / rock back on to right7-8Shuffle left, right, left while turning ¼ turn to left (to the left)STEP TURNS/SHUFFLE BACK/COASTER STEP1-2Step forward right - pivot turn ½ turn to left (weight on left)3-4Step forward right - pivot turn ½ turn to left (weight on left)5&6Shuffle moving backwards - right, left, right7&8Coaster step - left, right, leftSTEP TURNS/HIP ROLLS1-2Step forward on right - turn ½ turn to left3-4Step forward on right - turn ½ turn to left5-6Roll hips to the right7&8Bump hips right, left, right (weight ends on right)REPEAT