Learning The Blues
Intermediate social cha
Lynne Martino (USA)
Learnin' the Blues - Frank Sinatra
POINTS RIGHT SIDE AND FRONT, STEP RIGHT, CROSS LEFT, STEP RIGHT1-4Point right toe to right side and hold, point right toe forward and hold5-8Step right to the right, cross left over right, step on right and holdPOINTS LEFT SIDE AND FRONT, STEP LEFT, CROSS RIGHT, STEP LEFT1-4Point left toe to left side and hold, point left toe forward and hold5-8Step left to the left, cross right over left, step on left and holdSTEP RIGHT FORWARD, TOUCH LEFT, STEP LEFT BACK, TOUCH RIGHT, STEP RIGHT BACK, TOUCH LEFT, STEP LEFT FORWARD, TOUCH RIGHT1-4Step right forward angling slightly and touch left next to right, step left back on a slight angle and touch right next to left5-8Step right back angling slightly and touch left next to right, step left forward angling slightly, and touch right next to leftSTEP RIGHT, LEFT SAILOR, RIGHT SAILOR1-4Step right to the right, step left behind right, step right next to left, step left next to right5-8Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side and holdWEAVE LEFT, CROSS LEFT OVER RIGHT, STEP ON RIGHT ¼ TURN LEFT, STEP LEFT1-4Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side5-8Cross left over right, step back on right making a ¼ turn left, step forward on left and holdRIGHT AND LEFT ROCK AND CROSS1-4Rock right to right side, recover on left, cross right over left and hold5-8Rock left to left side, recover on right, cross left over right and holdRIGHT AND LEFT FORWARD ROCK STEPS WITH HEEL AND FOOT LIFTS1-4Step right forward and raise right heel and left foot(for cts. 1, 2), step back on left, step right next to left5-8Step left forward and raise left heels and right foot(for cts.5, 6), step back on right, step left next to rightRIGHT JAZZ BOX WITH A ¼ TURN LEFT1-2Cross right over left and hold3-4Step back on left and hold5-6Step right to right side and hold7-8Step forward on left ¼ turn left and holdREPEATRESTART Restart dance the first 32 counts and start again on walls 3 and 4TAG At the end of walls 4 and 5, add another jazz box without the ¼ turn