The Last Dance
Adrian Churm (UK)
Save The Last Dance For Me - Dave Sheriff
MAMBO FORWARD AND BACK, PIVOT TURNS1-4Left foots steps forward, replace weight back onto right foot, small step back with left foot, pause for one count5-8Right foot steps back, replace weight forward onto left foot, small step forward with right foot, pause for one count9-12Left foot, steps forward, make a½ turn to the right, small step forward with left foot, pause for one count13-16Repeat 9-12 on the opposite foot turning to the leftSIDE STEPS LEFT AND RIGHT WITH FOOT FLICK, ¼ TURN LEFT, BACK MAMBO, CROSS ROCK, RONDE INTO FOOT CLOSE17-20Left foot steps to left side, close right foot to left foot, left foots steps to left side, flick right foot diagonally forward to right21-24On balls of right foot step right and slightly back, cross left foot over right, as right foot steps to the side, make a ¼ turn to the left, flick left foot forward25-28Left foot steps back, replace weight forward onto right foot, small step forward with left foot, pause for one count29-32Right foot steps forward and across left foot, replace weight back onto left foot, arc right foot around to the right side, close right foot to left foot (right foot taking weight)8 COUNT BOX STEP32-40Left foot steps to the left side, right foot closes next to left foot, left foot steps forward, pause for one count, right foot steps to the right side, close left foot next to right foot, right foot steps back, pause for one countSIDE STEPS LEFT ¼ TURN RIGHT INTO ROCK BACK ¼ TURN LEFT INTO SIDE STEP ¼ TURN LEFT INTO BACK MAMBO41-44Left foot steps to the left side, right foot closes towards left foot, left foot steps to the side, pause for one count Slight turn right on the pause complete on next step 45 - 48 Make a ¼ turn right and step right foot back, replace weight forward onto left foot, make ¼ turn back to the left and step right foot to the side, pause for one count Slight turn to the left on the pause complete turn on next step49-52Make a ¼ turn to the left and step back on left foot, replace weight forward onto right foot left foot steps forward, pause for one countPADDLE TURN ½ AND ¼ TO THE LEFT, CROSS ROCK, ROCK INTO RONDE53-56Step forward on ball of right foot, make ½ turn to the left, step forward on ball of right foot make ¼ turn to the left. (as you turn try pushing the hips out to the right) weight ends on left foot57-60Right foot steps forward and across left foot, replace weight back onto left foot, right foot steps to the right side, pause for one count61-64Left foot steps forward, replace weight back onto right foot, arc right foot all the way around until it is touching next to right foot. (weight remains on the right foot)REPEAT