The Liar

Low Intermediate
Johanna Jönsson (SWE) - January 2025
Liar - Jelly Roll

Intro 8 counts, 1 restart with step change

Sec 1: Step sweep, cross, side, behind, back sweep, cross back, ¼ turn
1 2Step forward on right, sweep left foot forward
3 4Cross left over right, step right to right side
5 6Cross left behind right, sweep right back
7 8Cross right behind left, turn ¼ left step left forward (9:00)

Sec 2: ¼ step slide, left sailor step, cross, hold, ball step, cross, side step left
1 2Turn ¼ sliding on right (6:00)
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
5 6Cross right over left, hold
&7 8Step on ball of left, cross right over left,step left to left side

Sec 3: ½ hinge turn to right, hold, syncopated rock step R&L, left coaster step
1 2turn ½ to right keeping weight on left step right foot down (12:00), hold
&3 4Step on ball of left, rock right to right side, return weight to left
&5 6Step on ball of right, rock left to left side, return weight to right
7&8Step left back, step right together, step forward on left

Sec 4: Right rock forward, full triple turn, left rock forward, left ½ shuffle
1 2Rock forward on right, return weight to left
3&4Turn ½ right forward (6:00) step left next to right, turn ½ right forward (12:00)
5 6Rock forward on left
7&8Turn ¼ stepping left to left side (9:00), step right together, turn ¼ stepping left forward (6:00)

Sec 5: R&L heel switches, clap 2x, L&R heel switches, clap 2x
1&2Put right heel forward, step right foot together, put left heel forward
&3&4Step left foot together, put right heel forward, clap 2x
&5&6Step right foot together, put left heel forward, step left foot together, put right heel forward,
&7&8Step right foot together, put left heel forward, clap 2x

Sec 6: Ball cross, side, sailor step, heel grind, shuffle back
&1 2Step left foot together, cross right over left, step left to left side
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
5 6Cross left over right turning ¼ to left (3:00) making a heel grind, step right back
*This is your breaking point for a restart on wall 5. Replace the shuffle with a coaster step and start again.
7&8Step left foot back, right together, step left back

Sec 7: Right slide back, left coaster step, right shuffle forward, ¾ full turn
1 2Step right foot back sliding back
3&4Step left back, step right together, step left forward
5&6Step right forward, step left together, step right foot forward
7 8Turn ½ to right stepping back on left (9:00), turn ¼ to right stepping right to right side (12:00)

Sec 8: Cross, hold, ball cross, point, ¼ turn with kick, coaster step
1 2Cross left over right, hold
&3 4Step on ball of right, cross left over right, point right to right side
5 6Turn ¼ to right and kick forward (3:00), step back on right
7&8Step back on left, step right together, step left forward

This is my first dance ever. Hope you like it and have fun!