Beautiful as You
Beginner / Improver
Curtis Dooma (CAN) - 30 November 2024
Beautiful As You - Thomas Rhett
No Tags, No Restarts
Intro = 16 Counts
Section 1: R Point Out/Step In, L Point Out /Step In, R Toe Touch Back/Step In, L Heel Touch Forward/Step In, R Toe Touch Back/Step In, L Heel Touch Forward/Step In, R Step to Right Side & Hip Sway (R -> L – weighted)
1&With weight starting on Left, Point R Toe Out to Right Side & Step R Foot In beside L Foot,
2&Point L Toe Out to Left Side & Step L Foot In beside R Foot,
3&Touch R Toe Back & Step R Foot beside L Foot,
4&Touch L Heel Forward & Step L Foot beside R Foot,
5&Touch R Toe Back & Step R Foot beside L Foot,
6&Touch L Heel Forward & Step L Foot beside R Foot,
7, 8Step R to Right Side & Hip Sway from Right to Left (Weighted on Left).
Section 2: R Wizard Step, L Wizard Step, R Cross Rock/Recover L, ¼-Turn Right (3:00) -> R Side Shuffle (R,L,R)
1&2Step R Behind L Foot, Step L to Left Side, Step R to Right Front Diagonal (1:30),
3&4Step L Behind R Foot, Step R to Right Side, Step L to Left Front Diagonal (10:30),
5, 6Cross Rock R in Front of L Foot, Recover Back on L Foot,
7&8Turn ¼ Right to face 3:00 & Perform a R Side Shuffle (R,L,R).
Section 3: L Cross Rock/Recover R, L Coaster Step, R Forward Diagonal Bump & Bump, L Forward Diagonal Bump & Bump
1, 2Cross Rock L in Front of R Foot, Recover Back on R Foot,
3&4Step L Back , Step R Together, Step L Forward,
5&6Step R to Front Right Diagonal & Shift Hip-Weight Forward onto R, Backward onto L & Forward onto R,
7&8Step L to Front Left Diagonal & Shift Hip-Weight Forward onto L, Backward onto R & Forward onto L.
Section 4: R Sailor Step, L Sailor Step, R Front Diagonal Step/L Drag Together, L Front Diagonal Step/R Drag Together (Touch)
1&2Step R Behind L Foot, Step L to Left Side, Recover R to Right Side,
3&4Step L Behind R Foot, Step R to Right Side, Recover L to Left Side,
5, 6Long-Step R to Right Front Diagonal, Drag L Foot Together,
7, 8Long-Step L to Left Front Diagonal, Drag R Foot Together to Touch (Unweighted on R).
Repeat the Dance
Continue for a Total of 10 Walls, finishing at the 6:00 Wall
To Finish facing the 12:00 Wall, just change Section 4, Steps 7 & 8 to: 1/2-Turn Left (12:00), Long-Step L Forward, Drag R Foot Together & perform a R Stomp.
Have Fun With My Choreo!