Who Needs You?
Easy Intermediate
Adrian Lefebour (AUS) & Stephen Paterson (AUS) - September 2024
Who Needs You - Post Malone : (Album: F-1 Trillion (Long Bed))
Start dance after 16 count instrumental intro
[1-8] Touch R Forward, Sweep, R back, Sweep, Behind, Side Cross, Kick, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Behind, Quarter, Scuff Hitch Half
1 2Touch R toes forward, sweep R out then step R back
3 & 4 &Sweep L out then step L behind R, step R out to side (&), step L across R, kick R to R45 (&)
5 & 6 &Step R behind L, step L out to side (&), step R across L, step L out to side (&)
7 & 8Step R behind L, turn ¼ left then step L forward (&), scuff R heel through (9.00)
&Hitching R turn ½ left (3.00)
[9 - 16] Back R, Drag, Back, Together, Left, Lock, Left, Walk Around Three Quarter Right
1 2 & 3Step R back dragging L, step L back, step R beside L (&), step L forward (left coaster)
& 4Lock R in behind L (&), step L forward
5 6Turn ¼ right then step R forward, turn ¼ right then step L forward,
7 8# Turn ¼ right then step R forward, step L forward (3/4 walk around) # (12.00)
[17 - 24] Mambo, Quarter Side, Cross, Quarter, Quarter, Cross, Side, Heel, Ball, Cross Shuffle
1 & 2Rock step R forward, recover weight back onto L in place (&), turn ¼ right then step R to side
3 & 4Step L across R, turn ¼ left then step R back (&), turn ¼ left then step L out to side (9.00)
5 & 6Step R across L, step L out to side (&), tap R heel on R45, take weight onto ball of R foot (&)
7 & 8Step L across R, step R slightly to side (&), step L across R (left cross shuffle) (9.00)
[25 - 32] Toe Strut, Rock Back, Recover, Toe Strut, Rock Back, Recover, Heel, Quarter Together, Heel, Together, Rocking Chair
1 & 2 &Touch R toes out to side, drop heel down (&), rock step L back, recover fwd onto R in place (&)
3 & 4 &Touch L toes out to side, drop heel down (&), rock step R back, recover fwd onto L in place (&)
5 &Tap R heel forward, turn ¼ left stepping R beside L (&) (6.00)
6 &Tap L heel forward, step L beside R (&)
7 &Rock step R forward, recover weight back onto L in place (&)
8 &Rock step L back, recover weight forward onto R in place (&) (R rocking chair) (6.00)
# On walls 3 (starting facing 12.00 wall) dance up to count 16 then restart to front.
ENDING: On wall 7 (starts to the back) dance up to the cross shuffle (count 24) then turn ¼ left and step back onto your right dragging left together.
This is an original dance sheet, feel free to copy without change for distribution