Gone Forever
Sandra Moschel (FR) - 3 October 2024
Gone Forever - INA ROSE
***3 Restarts
[1-8] Shuffle fwd - Touch - Step back - Touch – Step back -Touch
1-2RF forward - LF next to RF
3-4RF forward - Touch LF next to RF
5-6LF back - Touch LF next to RF
7-8RF back - Touch LF next to RF
[9-16] Shuffle fwd - Touch - Step back - Touch – Step fwd - Touch
1-2LF forward - LF next to RF
3-4LF forward - Touch LF next to RF
5-6LF back - Touch LF next to RF
7-8Left forward - Touch right next to left**
[17-24] Weave right - Scissor Cross - Hold
1-2Right to the right - Left behind right
3-4Right to the right - Left in front of right
5-6Right slightly back - Left next to right
7-8Cross right in front of left - Hold
[25-32] Weave Left - Scissor Cross - Hold
1-2Left to the left - Right behind left
3-4Left to the left - Right in front of left
5-6Left slightly back - Right next to left
7-8Cross left in front of right - Hold *
[33-40] Monterey turn 1/2 - Kick (R) - Stomp - Flick (L) Stomp
1-2Point right to the right - 1/2 turn right - Right next to left
3-4Point left to the left - Left next to right
5-6Kick RF - Stomp RF
7-8Flick LF - Stomp LF***
[41-48] Monterey turn 1/2 - Kick (R) - Stomp - Flick (L) Stomp
1-2Point RF to right - 1/2 turn to right - RF next to LF
3-4Point LF to left - LF next to RF
5-6Kick RF - Stomp RF
7-8Flick LF - Stomp LF
[49-56] Rock fwd 1/2 turn (R) - Rock fwd - Rock back Side step - Scuff (L)
1-2RF forward with support - Return support LF
3-41/2 turn to right RF forward with support - Return support LF
5-6RF back with support - Return support LF
7-8RF to right - Rub LF heel on floor
[57-64] Step fwd (L) - Stomp up (R) - Side stomp – Side stomp - Apple Jack
1-2PG forward - Stomp up PD
3-4Stomp PD right - Stomp PG left
5-8Apple Jack
*Restart on wall 2 - After 4th section
**Restart on wall 4 - After 2nd section
***Restart on wall 7 - After 5th section