Beautiful As You EZ

Kris Lonnquist (USA) - July 2024
Beautiful As You - Thomas Rhett

Start after 16-count music intro, 1 beat before words.

(1-8) Rocking Chair, Hip-Bump, Hip-Bump 
1-2Rock R forward, Recover L
3-4Rock R back, Recover L
5&6Toe touch R forward bumping R hip out, Hip in, Drop R heel
7&8Toe touch L forward bumping L hip out, Hip in, Drop L heel

(9-16) Step Pivot Left, Cross Shuffle, Rock Recover, Cross Shuffle
1-2Step R forward turning ¼ to the left 
3&4Cross R over L, Step Left, Cross R over L
5-6Rock L left, Recover weight on R,
7&8Cross L over R, Step R to the side, Cross L over R

(&17-24) Side, Together, Hold, Side, Together, Hold, V-Step
&1-2(&) Step R wide to the right, (1) touch L toe next to R, (2) Hold
&3-4(&) Step L wide to the left, (3) touch R toe next to L, (4) Hold
5-6Step R forward onto Right diagonal, Step L forward onto Left diagonal
7-8Step R back to center, Step L beside R

(25-32) Step, Pivot, Shuffle, Step, Pivot, Shuffle
1-2Step R forward, Pivot 1/2 turn Left shifting weight to L
3&4Shuffle: Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5-6Step L forward, Pivot ½ turn Right shifting weight to R
7&8Shuffle: Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward

Last Update: 24 Jul 2024