Loving You
Raimondo Santangelo (IT) - June 2024
Known for Loving You - Cody Johnson
Note: Dance starts after 32 counts of music when Cody starts singing
Dance Pattern: A - B - C - A - B - C - C - TAG - B – C - C - ENDING
A (32 counts)
Section 1: Slide R – Kick-Ball-Change L – Slide L – Kick-Ball-Change R
1-2Side step R, Slide L toward R ending with a Toe-Touch L
3&4Kick L forward, Step L beside R, Step onto R in place
5-6Side step L, Slide R toward L ending with a Toe-Touch R
7&8Kick R forward, Step R beside L, Step onto L in place
Section 2: Rock Step R forward – Shuffle R turning ½ to R – Pivot ½ Turn to R – Full Turn to R
9-10Rock forward with R and recover weight back on L
11&12Syncopated R-L-R steps turning ½ to the R
13-14Step L forward then rotate ½ in place on balls without travelling to the R
15-16Full rotation stepping forward to R
Section 3: Rock Step L forward – Coaster Step L – Kick-Ball-Change R – Kick-Ball-Change R
17-18Rock forward with L and recover weight back on R
19&20Syncopated sequence: Step back L, Step R beside L, Step forward L
21-22Kick R forward, Step R beside L, Step onto L in place
23-24Kick R forward, Step R beside L, Step onto L in place
Section 4: Heel-Switches R-L – Toe-Touch R backward – Heel-Touch R forward – Shuffle Back R – Shuffle L turning ½ to L
25&26Touch R heel forward and recover R beside L then touch L heel forward and recover L beside R
27-28Touch R heel back slightly crossing R foot behind L then touch R heel forward
29&30Syncopated R-L-R back steps sequence
31&32syncopated L-R-L steps forward turning ½ to the L
B (32 counts)
Section 1: Hitch R – Step Back R – Coaster Step L – Full Turn L - Jump forward - Swivet R
1-2Scuff R beside L and hitch R knee up then close with a step back R recovering weight on R
3&4Syncopated sequence: Step back L, Step R beside L, Step forward L
5-6Full rotation stepping forward to L closing with a Jump forward with both feet
7-8Twisted movement: ball L and heel R to the R the recover both to center
Section 2: Weave R – Slide R – Shuffle Back R – Slide L
9&10Syncopated sequence: cross L behind R, side step R, cross L over R
11-12Side step R to the R, slide L toward R in contact with floor
13&14Syncopated R-L-R back steps sequence
15-16Side step L to the L, slide R toward L in contact with floor
Section 3: Side-Jump R – Side-Jump L – 2 x Back-Jump L with Toe-Touch R – Coaster Step R – Shuffle L forward
17-18Jumped lateral steps R and L recovering legs together
19-20Sequence of 2 Jumps backward on L with R toe touching behind the L
21&22Syncopated sequence: Step back R, Step L beside R, Step forward R
23&24Syncopated L-R-L steps forward
Section 4: Shuffle Back R turning ½ L – Coaster Step L – Skate sequence R-L-R-L
25&26Syncopated R-L-R back steps sequence turning ½ to the L
27&28Syncopated sequence: Step back L, Step R beside L, Step forward L
29-30Slide R diagonally forward then slide L diagonally forward
31-32Slide R diagonally forward then slide L diagonally forward
C (20 counts)
Section 1: Side Rock Step R – Weave L – Side Rock Step L – Weave R
1-2Rock step with R to the R recovering weight on L
3&4Syncopated sequence: Cross R behind L, Side step L, Cross R over L
5-6Rock Step with L to the L recovering weight on R
7&8Syncopated sequence: Cross L behind R, Side step R, Cross L over R
Section 2: Rock Step R forward – Shuffle Back R – Rock Back L – Full Turn R
9-10Rock forward with R and recover weight back on L
11&12Syncopated R-L-R back steps sequence
13-14Rock step L backward with a swivel with R foot while touching the hat with the left hand, recover weight on R
15-16Full rotation stepping forward to R
Section 3: Rock Step L forward – Coaster Step L
17-18Rock forward with L and recover weight back on R
19&20Syncopated sequence: Step back L, Step R beside L, Step forward L
TAG (16 counts)
Section 1: Slide R – Kick-Ball-Change L – Slide L – Kick-Ball-Change R
1-2Side step R, Slide L toward R ending with a Toe-Touch L
3&4Kick L forward, Step L beside R, Step onto R in place
5-6Side step L, Slide R toward L ending with a Toe-Touch R
7&8Kick R forward, Step R beside L, Step onto L in place
Section 2: Rock Step R forward – Shuffle R turning ½ to R – Pivot ½ Turn to R – Step L forward - Hold
9-10Rock forward with R and recover weight back on L
11&12Syncopated R-L-R steps turning ½ to the R
13-14Step L forward then rotate ½ in place on balls without travelling to the R
15-16Step forward with L and hold position for 1 count
Replace steps 17-20 of last C part with the following sequence:
Stomp L forward with Hat Touch (with right Hand) holding position until music ends.