Beautiful As You
Nicole Ried (DE) & Line Dance Biene (DE) - May 2024
Beautiful As You - Thomas Rhett
Intro: Dance Begins after 16 counts
Sec.1: Stomp side r, hold, &step side, touch, side, together, shuffle fwd
1-2RF stomp next to LF
&3-4LF next to RF, RF step to the right, LF touch next to RF
5-6LF step to the left, RF next to LF
7&8LF step fwd, RF next to LF, LF step fwd (12h)
Sec.2: Rock step, shuffle with ½ turn r, step back with ½ turn r, step side with ¼ turn r, cross shuffle
1-2RF rock forward, recover on LF
3&4¼ turn right & RF step to the right side, LF close to RF, RF step forward with ¼ turn to the right side (6h)
5-6LF step back with ½ turn to the right side, RF step to the right side with ¼ turn to the right side (3h)
7&8LF cross over RF, RF step to the right side, LF cross over RF
Sec.3: Side rock, behind-side-cross, side rock, cross-side-heel
1-2RF rock to the right side, recover on LF
3&4RF cross behind LF, LF step to the left side, RF cross over LF
5-6LF rock to the left, recover on RF
7&8LF cross over RF, RF step to the right side, tap left heel forward (3h)
Sec.4: & Heel & toe & heel & heel & rocking chair
&1LF next to RF, tap right heel forward
&2RF next to LF, left toe tap back
&3LF next to RF, tap right heel forward
&4RF next to LF, tap left heel forward
&5-6LF next to RF, RF rock forward, recover LF, RF rock back, recover LF (3h)
Sec.5: Chasse right, behind-side-cross, stomp side, hold, sailor step turning ½ l
1-2RF step to the right side, LF next to RF, RF step to the right side
3&4LF cross behind RF, RF step to the right side, LF cross behind RF
5-6RF stomp next to LF, hold (3h)
7&8½ turn left left & cross left behind right, step right to the side, step left forward (9h)
Sec.6: stomp side, hold, sailor step turning ½ l, kick-ball-touch, coaster step
1-2RF stomp next to LF, hold (9h)
3&4½ turn left left & cross left behind right, step right to the side, step left forward (3h)
5&6RF kick forward, RF next to LF, point left to the side
7&8LF step back, RF next to LF, LF step forward
Sec.7: Chassee ¼ turn l, chassee ¼ turn l, step ¼ turn l, kick-ball-step
1&2RF step to the right side with ¼ turn left, LF next to RF, RF step to the right side
3&4LF step to the left side with ¼ turn left, RF next to LF, LF step to the left side
5-6RF step forward, ¼ turn left & weight on LF
7&8RF kick forward, RF next to LF, RF step forward
Sec.8: slide r, together,, touch (2x) r + l
1-2RF a big step to the right side, slide LF behind RF
3-4Touch left toe behind RF (2x)
5-6LF a big step to the left side, slide RF behind LF
7-8Touch right toe behind LF
Ending: After the 5th wall:
RF step forward with ½ turn right
Have fun