Tonight I'm Drinking

Karla Carter-Smith (CAN) - April 2024
Lucky - Megan Moroney

#16 Count Intro, No Tags, No Restarts, Ends facing 12:00

[1-8] 2 Hip Bumps Right, 2 Hip Bumps Left, Hip Bumps Right, Left, Right, Left
1,2,3,4Bump hips to right(1), bump hips to right(2), bump hips to left(3) bump hips to left(4)
5,6,7,8Bump hips to right (5), bump hips to left (6), Bump hips to right(7), bump hips to left (weight to left)(8)(12:00)

[9-16] Side Shuffle, Cross Rock, Side Shuffle, Cross Rock
1&2Step right foot to right side(1), Step left foot beside right(&), Step right foot to right side(2)
3, 4Cross rock left foot over right(3), recover onto right(4)
5&6Step left foot to left side(5), Step right foot beside left(&), Step left foot to left side(6)
7, 8Cross rock right foot over left(7), recover onto right(8)(12:00)

[17-24] Side Rock, Recover, ¼ turn right Rock, Recover, Cross Back Point, Cross Forward Scuff
1, 2Rock right foot to right side(1), recover to left(2)
3, 4Turning ¼ right rock right to side(3), recover left to left(4)(3:00)
5, 6Cross right foot behind left putting weight on right(5), point left toe to left side(6)
7, 8Cross left foot in front of right putting weight on left(7), scuff right toe forward(8)(3:00)

[25-32] Rock Forward, ½ Turn Shuffle, Rock Forward, ½ Turn Shuffle
1, 2Right foot rock forward(1), recover to left foot(2)
3&4Right foot step forward turning ¼ right(3), left foot step beside(&), right foot step forward turning ¼ right(4)(9:00)
5, 6Left foot rock forward(5), recover to right foot(6)
7&8Left foot step forward turning ¼ left(7), right foot step beside(&), left foot step forward turning ¼ left(8)(3:00)

[33-40] Right Rock Step & Left Rock Step, 1/2 turn Left Sailor, & Step Hold
1, 2&Rock right foot to right side(1), recover to left(2), step right foot beside left(&)
3, 4Rock left foot to left side(3), recover to right(4)(3:00)
5&6Swing left foot behind right turning 1/2 left stepping on left(5), right foot step to right side(&), left foot step to left side(6)(9:00)
&7, 8Step forward on right(&), step left beside right(7), hold and snap fingers(8)(9:00)

[41-48] Toe, Hold, Heel Hold, Toe, Heel, Toe, Touch
1, 2Touch right toe in front left toe(1), hold and snap fingers (2)
3, 4Touch right heel in front left toe(3), hold and snap fingers(4)
5, 6Touch right toe in front of left toe(5), touch right heel in front of left toe(6)
7, 8Touch right toe in front of left toe(7), touch right toe beside left toe(8)(9:00)****see note to start new wall****
Styling Option: during 2nd rotation on counts 46-48 hold during the break in the music. On all other rotations on counts
45-48you can swivel on your left foot moving to your right as you are doing the toe heel toe touch for a bit of a challenge.

****NOTE: Turn ¼ left on count 1(6:00) to start the dance at your new wall at the end of each rotation****

Have Fun!

Last Update – 1 Nov. 2024 – R2