Don't You Forget It Samba
Easy Intermediate
Lynda Summers (CAN) - March 2023
I Love You and Don't You Forget It - Franz Lambert
INTRO: 8 counts
Sec 1 (1-8) TRAVELLING VOLTA (right) with both arms extended to sides
1&2&Cross step L over R - small step ball of R to right, - repeat 1&
3&4Repeat 1& - cross step L over R WHISK (to right), WHISK (to left)
5&6Step R toe to right side - touch L toe behind R - step R in place
7&8Step L toe to left side - touch R toe behind L - step L in place
Sec 2 (9-16) TRAVELLING VOLTA (left) with both arms extended to sides
1&2&Cross step R over L, small step ball of L to left, - repeat 5&
3&4Repeat 5&, cross step R over L WHISK(to left), WHISK(to right)
5&6Step L toe to left side - touch R toe behind L - step L in place
7&8Step R toe to right side - touch L toe behind R - step R in place
Sec 3(17-24) TRAVELLING VOLTA (1/2 left)
1&2&3&4Dance a travelling volta turning 1/2 left (6:00) KICK-BALL-CHANGE, KICK-BALL-CHANGE
5&6Kick R fwd, recover onto R, step L beside R
7&8Repeat counts 5&6.
1&2Knee-bend R fwd - recover onto L - slip step R back
3&4Step L back - step R beside L - step L fwd. CROSS - PADDLE TURNS (1/4 right)
5Cross step R over L
&6Touch ball of L beside R - paddle 30° right onto R
&7Repeat &6
&8Repeat &6 (9:00)
The last wall is wall 10 (6:00), a complete wall.
Dance to Sec 4 (1-4) as usual...
For the paddle turns (5-8), turn 1/4 left to end at the front